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Rosemary Gardner Feedback DEEP OSCILLATION® - I have found that the combination of MLD and HIVAMAT® 200 has reduced limb volume, softened fibrotic tissue and have also had reports from patients stating their hair and nails are stronger

By Mary Fickling on Oct 02 2015.
“Working both in the NHS and private practice I have been using the HIVAMAT® 200 200 along side MLD with my oncology patients for the last 18 months to great benefit..

DEEP OSCILLATION® Therapy Provides Hope To Primary Lymphoedema Sufferer In The United States

By Mary Fickling on Oct 02 2015.
Thank you to Barcroft TV who have expertly covered the story of a lady with Primary Lymphoedema who has now started HIVAMAT (Deep Oscillation) Therapy treatment and feels she has 'hope' for the future.

PhysioPod® UK Limited Review Lipoedema UK Conference and AGM 2015 ‘Hope on the Horizon'

By Mary Fickling on Sep 18 2015.
A two day event, held in Reading, which gathered together leading experts in Lipoedema and for Lipoedema Patients, to learn about the latest research, the actitivites of Lipoedema UK, international 'think tank' plans and conservative and surgical treatment options with an emphasis on the importance of compression. A Patient Day followed, which included one-to-one appointments with Lipoedema UK's Nurse Consultants and a chance to try out therapies. DEEP OSCILLATION® was very well received.

By Michelle Ellis, Chair of Lipoedema Ladies - Post Lipoedema Liposuction Successful Rehabilitation with DEEP OSCILLATION®

By Mary Fickling on Sep 09 2015.
DEEP OSCILLATION® helps with pain, inflammation, swelling and bruising and breakdown of stubborn fibrosis. After liposuction or any surgical procedure it can be applied in the early post surgical period, resulting in less and smoother scar tissue and promotion of a dynamic wound healing. Naturally boosting the bodies natural healing process, it allows a quicker overview of results and a speedier return to normal activity.

With thanks to DEEP OSCILLATION® treatment female jockey returns to work just two weeks after race horse falls on her

By Mary Fickling on Sep 07 2015.
Before and after pictures reveal the enhanced healing process when DEEP OSCILLATION® is applied. The gentle, non-invasive nature of treatment allows application immediately after traumatic injury or damage and day one post operatively having a significant oedema reducing effect, improving trophicity and directly stimulating self mobilisation in areas relieved of pain enabling an earlier return to active forms of therapy and the activities of daily life.

DEEP OSCILLATION® appears extensively in the latest German Lymphological Information Service Online Booklet on Lipoedema

By Mary Fickling on Sep 03 2015.
The Lipödemportal was created to give Lipoedema sufferers, Doctors, Therapists and all those interested a solid knowledge of Lipoedema; the problems associated with it, as well as the treatment options.

Andrea Wright, MCSP at Hands-On Physiotherapy Shares Patient Chronic Pain Results Using DEEP OSCILLATION®

By Mary Fickling on Aug 03 2015.
Andrea Wright MCSP has been using DEEP OSCILLATION® at Hands-On Physiotherapy for 12 months. She first discovered its benefits at The PhysioFirst Conference 2014 when DEEP OSCILLATION® was applied to a tricep long head strain. She left the stand pain free and the following day was able to lift her arm above her head. Andrea was so impressed with the speed of her recovery that she arranged for a full demo at her clinic and has used DEEP OSCILLATION® ever since. Andrea kindly forwarded this testimonial from a happy patient.

Judy Spooner reports that a variety of conditions benefit from DEEP OSCILLATION® including frozen shoulder and whiplash

By Mary Fickling on Jul 13 2015.
"I've been using DEEP OSCILLATION® with my clients for many years now and find it invaluable in treating certain conditions. Judy Spooner reports..

Lymphoedema and DEEP OSCILLATION® Personal - update from sufferer self managing

By Mary Fickling on Jul 13 2015.
Self Management in Lymphoedema is key to keeping the condition maintained. This lady kindly send an update of a months use of the therapy with the personal unit and how delighted her MLD Therapist is with the results of the 30 minute daily morning treatment the lady is applying.

Rottweiler gets DEEP OSCILLATION® for pain following cruciate ligament repair

By Mary Fickling on Jul 13 2015.
"I have found outstanding use for DEEP OSCILLATION® with dogs. Recently I was treating a young male Rottweiler for post surgical pain following a cruciate ligament repair. The surgery for this repair is as brutal as a knee replacement is in a human with the same resultant insult to the surrounding soft tissues.