Trigger Finger

I would not hesitate to recommend Deep Oscillation to anyone because it really does work and is pain free to receive. I wish I had known about the treatment the day I woke up with the pain because I am sure it would have sorted it out.

NAME: Tim Hulbert

OCCUPATION: Alfa Romeo Sales Manager

AGE: 28

I woke up one day and was in terrible pain in the third finger of my left hand, it was very stiff and I could not seem to uncurl it.  I did not know what I had done and it got worse over 8 weeks, I really didn’t know what to do with it.  I thought about going to my doctors with it but never like to bother them plus I am always very busy at work.

A colleague suggested I go to see Julie at Therapeople who uses a German therapy I now know as Deep Oscillation.  As my finger was now claw like and very painful I decided to give it a go.  Julie was careful not to diagnose but did suggest that it may be a condition known as “trigger finger”. 

The first treatment I had immediately relieved the pain, which was such a wonderful feeling, in that it had been horrid for two months, a bit like toothache in my hand and I was able to curl it out too!  I was pain free for a week and it just started to return so I booked in again.  Julie had been researching “trigger finger” and suggested that should this session not relieve the condition I should consult my GP.    The second treatment again relieved the symptoms and provided relief again but I took Julie’s advice and contacted my GP.

I didn’t tell him what Julie had said but he took one look and said Trigger Finger!  He arranged for me to have a cortisone injection, which was even more painful than the condition!  However, it is now fine. 

I would not hesitate to recommend Deep Oscillation to anyone because it really does work and is pain free to receive. I wish I had known about the treatment the day I woke up with the pain because I am sure it would have sorted it out.