For several years DEEP OSCILLATION® has been used successfully in the United States pre and post chiropractic manipulations and adjustments. With thanks to Physiomed North America we are able to see the difference it has made to four leading chiropractors and their work.
References and published articles - please click here
When patients are in pain following traumatic injury or they are elderly, much of the chiropractors work, although very effective, can leave patients sore for days afterwards. The arrival of DEEP OSCILLATION® in the United States gave Chiropractors a fresh new tool to assist them, jus a short six minute treatment can make adjustments much easier to do. It can also be used very safely on children who love the gentle feeling of DEEP OSCILLATION®.
Dr Timothy Carr gave this report
Dr Vicki Cunningham regularly writes on forums about the benefits of DEEP OSCILLATION® for her patients, she also provided this testimonial... read more
Interest in DEEP OSCILLATION® from UK Chiropractic quarters is on the increase...
PhysioPod™ UK Ltd are delighted to announce the first Chiropractor to be using DEEP OSCILLATION® Meg Crafer, DC MMCA, MCC CHIROPRACTOR McTimoney GCC Registered is in Hamsphire. We look forward to receiving regular reports from Meg and getting feedback from her clients. Sheera King (BLS, MLD UK, Vodder and Casley Smith) is working alongside Dr Evelyne O'Hare at West Dorset Chiropractic Centre, if you would to experience both treatments then please- Contact the practice
Toni Newbold work alongside Chiropractors at Radcliffe Chiropractors in Nottingham - to Contact Toni . Toni recently wrote for Choice Health and Wellbeing Magazine about her experience of the therapy for her own back problems, read full article
Read Press Release from United Kingdom Chiropractor
Georgie Baker DC MMCA, McTimoney Chiropractor
United States Chiropractors now using:
Ist Choice Health and Wellness
Chronic Back Pain sufferers have found DEEP OSCILLATION® is a new route to take for effective treatment
One lady suffering with chronic back pain who had tried every treatment available has found that DEEP OSCILLATION® has really helped improve her condition - click to read her testimonial
Sue Bonsall was in agony when her back went into spasm, she used the DEEP OSCILLATION® Personal SPORTS daily and was pleased not to have to rely on the prescribed painkillers from her Doctor. She was happy to provide this testimonial to encourage others to try this therapy first and foremost for back pain
The main chiropractic treatment technique involves manual therapy, including manipulation of the spine, other joints, and soft tissues, with DEEP OSCILLATION combined the areas are prepared in advance of adjustments making the manipulations much easier and applied afterwards helping to ease muscle soreness that can occur in the days following treatment
Chiropractors in the United States have used DEEP OSCILLATION pre and post adjustment for several years, PhysioPod UK Limited would like to hear from UK Chiropractors who are interested to combine this therapy with their adjustments.