Dr John Williams, Aesthetics Surgeon
Aesthetics Surgeon Dr John Williams in the United States uses DEEP OSCILLATION® in a wide range of procedures to combat post surgical swelling and bruising...
"This therapy decreases our patients' recovery time too by promoting the healing process and increasing the body's natural rate of recovery. DEEP OSCILLATION® is used as a treatment in a wide variety of post cosmetic procedures, is effective treatment of oedema (acceleration of lymph flow) and decreased bruising"
With thanks to Physiomed North America
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Following a total knee replacement, it was decided to use Deep Oscillation Therapy (DOT) to try to reduce the swelling around the knee joint. This we did from the 5th day following surgery, carrying out the treatment daily for 2 weeks, then on alternate days for a further 2 weeks.
Post Liposuction Rehab With DEEP OSCILLATION
Claire is delighted with her new legs and also with the way she was able to enhance the post liposuction healing period with DEEP OSCILLATION® therapy, using a personal unit for 20 minutes a day via applicators from Days 3 to 30. Throughout the post operative rehabilitation period, Claire kept subjective scoring in the following areas; pain, oedema (swelling), bruising, skin tightness, mobility and appearance, which are displayed in an infographic in this article.
By Michelle Ellis, Chair of Lipoedema Ladies - Post Lipoedema Liposuction Successful Rehabilitation with DEEP OSCILLATION®
DEEP OSCILLATION® helps with pain, inflammation, swelling and bruising and breakdown of stubborn fibrosis. After liposuction or any surgical procedure it can be applied in the early post surgical period, resulting in less and smoother scar tissue and promotion of a dynamic wound healing. Naturally boosting the bodies natural healing process, it allows a quicker overview of results and a speedier return to normal activity.
Mr Nicholas Flower, Consultant ENT Surgeon reports effect of DEEP OSCILLATION® To A Severe Soft Tissue Injury Sustained To His Right Hand.
Mr Nicholas Flower - Consultant ENT Surgeon was introduced to DEEP OSCILLATION® therapy by Nicole De Havilland, Lymphoedema Consultant Practitioner at Ramsey Rivers Hospital who uses DEEP OSCILLATION® successfully in daily clinic. Mr Flower is confident that DEEP OSCILLATION® has enabled a return to operating just six weeks following the severe soft tissue injury to the first webspace of his dominant right hand.
Post Surgical Rehabilitation With DEEP OSCILLATION® Improves Wound Healing and Promotes Movement
Five weeks following a Cheilectomy and a 'Kessel-bonney procedure' for Hallux Rigidus Tracey was suffering with swelling, pain and lack of mobility.
DEEP OSCILLATION® for scar treatment after removal of a basal cell carcinoma
"Following surgery to remove a basal cell carcinoma I had a long, lumpy, swollen and inflamed scar on my neck. After only one treatment of DEEP OSCILLATION® with Regina Dengler, the swelling was reduced, the hard lumps had become softer, it was less painful and the inflammation had gone! I have now had two more treatments and it continues to improve. "
Elizabeth, Nottingham
Shelly McCoy uses DEEP OSCILLATION® Personal POSTPARTUM following C-Section
"It seemed so easy to use and my husband had a go at treating me to without any problems and this was without any experience of using the equipment. I was demonstrated how I could self treat too..."
DEEP OSCILLATION® and C Section Healing
Midland Ultrasound and Medical Services gives his thoughts on applying DEEP OSCILLATION® following C-Section
Sossi Yerissian, MLD UK, CDT, Vodder & Casley Smith MLD Practitioner and Lymphoedema Therapist
Sossi has remained close to PhysioPod™ UK Ltd throughout the last few years and has helped out at several exhibitions, she is very passionate about DEEP OSCILLATION® and recently gave this updated testimonial..
Georgios Tzenichristos ECNP, MRNT, MIPTI. ITEC,
Georgios Tzenichristos discovered with that DEEP OSCILLATION® results are obtained in half of the time he would normally have needed..
ACL swelling following surgery
Patricia Boulet, Physiotherapist
Patricia uses DEEP OSCILLATION® effectively following breast cancer surgery to increase lymph drainage...
Prof D Berg and Dr G Schonfelder
The following summary follows the study of side effects following conservative therapy for a carcinoma of the breast...
Dr John Williams, Aesthetics Surgeon
Aesthetics Surgeon Dr John Williams in the United States uses DEEP OSCILLATION® in a wide range of procedures to combat post surgical swelling and bruising...
Breast reduction/Tummy Tuck
Jo found that daily use of the DEEP OSCILLATION® Personal AESTHETICS was imperative following extensive plastic surgery in Marbella.
Sossi Yerissian, MLD UK, CDT, Vodder & Casley Smith MLD Practitioner and Lymphoedema Therapist
Sossi Yerission was the first MLD Therapist in the UK to combine DEEP OSCILLATION® with MLD techniques as well as using the therapy for Lymphoedema patients Sossi also uses for her her post aesthetic surgery cases...
Cording after breast cancer surgery/arm Lymphoedema treatment
Thanks to Lesley Batten, testimonial from her patient Helen who suffers with Lymphoedema of the arm..
It is a wonderful, easy, “hands on therapy” which will make a huge difference to patient recovery post surgery.