Buggy the 26 year old 16'2 Palomino mare
Buggy was the first horse in the UK to experience DEEP OSCILLATION®, the results were phenomenal...
"Buggy is a 26 year old 16'2 Palomino mare that we have owned for 6 years and has been retired for the last 2 years. Being a carriage horse in her working life she escorted many a bride to church! Our farrier, Tom has been coming to shoe Buggy for 5 years, but about seven weeks ago it became impossible for him to shoe her back feet. He persevered and managed to trim her feet, but for the first time ever he had to leave the back shoes off! It was obvious that lifting her leg was uncomfortable and we decided that to leave her shoes off would be less stressful for her. Also, the farrier was able to trim her hoof more quickly and that was less dangerous for him. When we untied her to return her to the paddock Buggy had difficulty in turning, so we checked her in the paddock by trying to get her to walk in circles first to the right and then to the left. Although she did do the right turn she struggled to do the left. Buggy also seemed to be walking flat-footed. Every few feet she would lift her leg and stretch it out to the side as if something was trapped and she was trying to get some relief. Julie volunteered to visit Buggy to try a session using Deep Oscillation® on her - she was intrigued as to whether it would work with animals. Buggy, being a very humanized equine, obviously enjoyed the attention and treatment. Julie (who is not used to horses) was not intimidated by Buggy's size! and visited her for a further two sessions. There were 3 x 40 minute sessions in total and a 30 minute session just before the farrier arrived. We all held our breaths while the farrier set about his task. He was able to complete the shoeing with his usual efficient professionalism and no squashed toes! The treatment obviously worked wonders. We are so pleased that from a chance conversation about our horse Buggy, we have had a successful visit from our farrier Tom, yesterday. Although we decided to only have shoes put on the front, we were still unsure of how Buggy would cope with having her back leg lifted to enable the farrier to trim her hooves. We needn't have worried, the farrier lifted her leg and didn't have to do a rush job, as Buggy stood quite happy as he cleaned and trimmed her hoof. Buggy had improved after the first treatment; she stopped stretching her leg out and walked normally bending her hocks. Visitors to her also noticed that she was comfortable lying down in the sun again clearly not worrying about the pain anymore involved in getting up! We also checked her walking in circles and found that she had little difficulty in turning left or right. This system appears ideal for equines due to it being a 'hands only' technique and no noises (none that were apparent to us!) and for nervous natured animals it is a non-invasive relaxing technique. We are very grateful to Julie for her time and effort" Very many thanks. Jacqui Padgett & Linda Franks