DEEP OSCILLATION® for scar treatment after removal of a basal cell carcinoma

"Following surgery to remove a basal cell carcinoma I had a long, lumpy, swollen and inflamed scar on my neck. After only one treatment of DEEP OSCILLATION® with Regina Dengler, the swelling was reduced, the hard lumps had become softer, it was less painful and the inflammation had gone! I have now had two more treatments and it continues to improve. " Elizabeth, Nottingham

Read on Press Release Point 13.11.14

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Testimonial with thanks to Regina Dengler. RGN, MLD UK, BLS, Casley Smith, MLD Practitioner and Lymphoedema Therapist. Telephone 0115 845 7113. Based in Carlton Hill, Nottingham. Visit Regina's website

How DEEP OSCILLATION® helps with scar management

The treatment goals of DEEP OSCILLATION® are to reduce pain and oedema, promote mobility and wound healing and improve scar formation.  Treatment, where appropriate, can commence as early as day five following surgery, initially avoiding the scar or carefully treating through the transparent bandage.  Once sutures are removed, treatment is applied initially to the surrounding tissue before carefully treating the painful wound region and along the length of the scar without applying any pressure. DEEP OSCILLATION® is used to provide a dynamic wound healing with less resultant scar tissue, but it is also effective for the dispersal of hardened scar tissue.