Zues, The Giant Schnauzer

Heather Smith owner of Zues talks about how the treatment of DEEP OSCILLATION® helped Zues following a fall...

"In January 2010, our giant schnauzer, Zeus, decided, as he was feeling so well, that he wouldattempt a jump from the middle to the bottom of our stairs! Unfortunately he fell awkwardly and hurt his back muscles. As a result there was a lot of inflammation in his back and he was in a lot of discomfort shown through  walking with a lot of stiffness in his back. He was also unable to get into the car without help.

When Stef came to look at him she introduced us to the new massage tool she had invested in called a Physiopod, which she said works on electronic vibration that comes through a massage pad or the hands. She recommended this as the best course of action initially as she said the vibration would penetrate deep into the soft tissues, helping to reduce inflammation and discomfort.  After the first massage treatment the improvement was quite dramatic, Zeus was able to walk around with much less stiffness and was much brighter and more like his old self. After a second treatment he was able to jump into the back of the car by himself! After only 3 massages with the physiopod and 1 McTimoney manipulation treatment Zeus is almost back to normal with only a little residual inflammation and stiffness left in his back. As a result of this success my husband Martin is also taking a course of massage treatments with the physiopod to help prepare him for an imminent hip operation. Thanks Heather L-Smith  To contact Stef


  • Heather L-Smith and Zues, The Giant Schnauzer

  • Stef Watts at www.your4legs uses DEEP OSCILLATION® with great results for equine/canine, call her for more information on 07715 498872