Back Pain from three fractures
DEEP OSCILLATION® provided a revolutionary new treatment option for Caroline Swanson, Centre Owner and Director of Equine Tranquility Ltd
"I have suffered with three fractures to my back over the last 20 years. Various treatments I have received have included at least a dozen epidurals, steroid injections, oral painkillers including morphine and the more successful but relatively unknown treatment being radio frequency denervation. I have visited GP's, surgeons, and pain management consultants. I have also been on traction and I have very unsuccessfully visited a chiropractor. I have been advised not to ride again as the arthritis is so severe within the canal it could cause paralysis. This has completely changed my life. Thankfully my business allows me to enjoy my love of horses to its maximum without worsening my condition. I met Carly approximately 3 months ago. I received what I thought was 'another sales call'. Being the sceptic that I am with new treatments, and feeling I have had rather an overdose of various methods of pain relief, I very nearly put the phone down! However, Carly demonstrated a confident yet realistic appraisal of the deep oscillation therapy. At this point I felt it worth listening to.. she wasn't promising me a quick fix, nor was she promising long term miracles. She purely and plainly explained she could 'help with the pain'. For someone who is in constant, ongoing and progressive pain this makes anything worth trying. Carly over the weeks has provided me with prompt, efficient and exceptional therapy which has reduced my pain on every occasion. Following the first 2 visits I negatively assumed it was down to 'coincidence'. Before the 3rd visit, I was particularly stiff and very sore, and yet again, after an hour of treatment I was more flexible, freer to move, less 'pulling sensation', less nerve pain. The treatment itself is very relaxing, I am extremely sensitive to persons touching my back in the 'hot' areas however the treatment did not give rise to pain whatsoever, and I was able to both allow and even enjoy it. Whilst my situation is not soft tissue related and is a progressive ongoing condition, I can say that the muscles were very relaxed after which is obviously part of the all round 'pain picture'. It also helped hugely with the radiating nerve pain as this can go into the heels of my feet and cause serious leg weakness.
To view Carly, the therapist's details click here
To read how Carly is successfully treating Caroline's horses click here