
These testimonials relate to the success in treating and maintaining various types of Lymphoedema from a Practitioners perspective with DEEP OSCILLATION®

Lynora Kennedy MLD UK, CDT, Vodder MLD Practitioner and Lymphoedema Therapist - Lynora is a well respected MLD Practitioner and Lymphoedema therapist who is the current administrator of MLD UK. She was one of the first MLD ladies to take on DEEP OSCILLATION® - A close friend of Sossi Yerissian who had "waxed lyrical" about DEEP OSCILLATION® so many times...Lynora had to have one!

Monica Conway MLD IRELAND, CDT, Vodder MLD Practitioner and Lymphoedema Therapist - "Deep Oscillation is amazing, I have used it for oedemas of all types"

Christine Talbot, SRN, BLS, CDT, Vodder, Medical Leduc and Casley Smith MLD Practitioner and Lymphoedema/ Bowen Therapist - "My HIVAMAT arrived in late November, it is a remarkable piece of ingenuity, simple to use, deeply effective on a multitude of conditions...

Lesley Batten, MLD UK, CDT, Vodder Practitioner and Lymphoedema Therapist - Lesley continues to achieve successful results for her patients..

Primary Lymphoedema Sufferer Affecting Legs, Arms and Trunk Uses DEEP OSCILLATION® Reducing Swelling And Increasing Mobility - After two years of using DEEP OSCILLATION® this Lymphoedema Sufferers "would not be without it"

Sarah Kelly MLD UK, CDT, Vodder MLD Practitioner and Lymphoedema Therapist - Sarah Kelly is the only MLD therapist in Guernsey using DEEP OSCILLATION®having used it at the MLD UK Conference in Buckinghamshire in May 2010...

Anne Byrne MLD Ireland, CDT, Vodder MLD Practitioner and Lymphoedema Therapist - Anne Byrne in Dublin was quick to follow in the footsteps of Monica Conway and purchase a HIVAMAT® 200...