Respiratory Disorders
PhysioPod™ UK Ltd provides a gentle, efficient relaxation of respiratory musculature with mucolytic effect, providing a feeling of improved well-being.
Feedback from Hospital Havelhöhe, Berlin on use of Deep Oscillation in Covid-19 patients with pulmonary oedema - Dr. med. F. Esposito, Chief Physician and Stephan Braum, Physiotherapist, of Hospital Havelhöhe, Berlin, Germany have provided the following report:
Clinical Report: Toddler treated with DEEP OSCILLATION® In The Diagnosis of Lobar Pneumonia - DEEP OSCILLATION® was applied as an alternative option to surgery, Jeanne Verster, Physiotherapist in South Africa was delighted with the results for her patient, as was the Mother who understandably wanted to avoid the surgical option.
From Poland: DEEP OSCILLATION® In the treatment of respiratory disorders - With sincere thanks to Greg Slusarczyk of Hasmed we have received the following testimonial from Dr Maria Sczlany-Karolczek, Paeditrician from Dukat Medical Spa regarding their use of DEEP OSCILLATION® in respiratory disorders in children aged between three and seven.
Cystic Fibrosis with severe pulmonary involvement, baby aged 11 months - With thanks to PD. Dr. med. F. Riedel, St Josef-Hospital Bochum, Germany (now the Sana Hospital Bad Kötzting)
DEEP OSCILLATION® In the treatment of chronic obstructive lung diseases - With sincere thanks to Dr. med. J. Paulus, St Josef-Kotzting (now Sana Hospital Bad Kötzting)
DEEP OSCILLATION® In the treatment of problematic pulmonary patients - With sincere thanks to Dr med. B. Scönleber & Dr. med. V. Stock - Head Physicians, Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, St Josef-Kotzting (now Sana Hospital Bad Kötzting)
DEEP OSCILLATION® In the treatment of chronic obstructive and restrictive pulmonary diseases, including cystic fibrosis and post surgical therapy (thoracic surgery) - With sincere thanks to The Department of Respiratory Tract Disease, Fachklinik Wangen im Allgäu, Germany.
DEEP OSCILLATION® In the treatment of Cystic Fibrosis - With sincere thanks to Dr. med. H. G. Posselt, Department of General Paediatrics, Klinikum der Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt/Main, Germany.
DEEP OSCILLATION® eases tight chest and promotes deep breathing after client stops smoking - "I treated a client who had recently stopped smoking and was suffering from tightness in the chest. When people stop smoking they can experience a tight chest due to the tension created by the body's need for nicotine and it can also be caused by sore muscles due to coughing..