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DEEP OSCILLATION Client Feedback from Lesley Hodgson

By Mary Fickling on Sep 28 2022.
DEEP OSCILLATION Client Feedback from Lesley Hodgson "Hi Mary Here’s a little about my experience with Deep Oscillation and that of some of my clients.

DEEP OSCILLATION Client Feedback from Lesley Hodgson

Dear Jane - Question 12 - Living with lymphoedema, why do we 'itch' so much? Especially around the ankles and our private parts

By Mary Fickling on Aug 29 2022.
Dear Jane - Question 12 - Living with lymphoedema, why do we 'itch' so much? Especially around the ankles and our private parts Jane Wigg RGN, MSc is a Lymphoedema Clinical Expert and Regularly Answers L-W-O Community Member Questions

Dear Jane - Question 12 - Living with lymphoedema, why do we 'itch' so much? Especially around the ankles and our private parts

Head and Neck Lymphoedema - Improving Quality of Life With Deep Oscillation: Sue Hansard, Lymphoedema Specialist Practitioner

By Mary Fickling on Aug 26 2022.
Head and Neck Lymphoedema - Improving Quality of Life With Deep Oscillation: Sue Hansard, Lymphoedema Specialist Practitioner PhysioPod Forward: For the first few weeks of treatment, Sue was only able to use gentle Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD), which softened and reduced the Lymphoedema. This was due to skin sensitivities and residual side effects of cancer treatment. Supplementary modalities of Kinesio Tape, Deep Oscillation and low level infra red light therapy were not well tolerated. A garment was found that worked well, without causing any skin irritation and the patient performed Simple Lymphatic Drainage (SLD). After eight weeks, low level infra red light, then Kinesio tape and 6D tape, and finally, Deep Oscillation were re-introduced.

Head and Neck Lymphoedema - Improving Quality of Life With Deep Oscillation: Sue Hansard, Lymphoedema Specialist Practitioner

Compression Companies Respond to LSN Member Questions

By Mary Fickling on Aug 23 2022.
Compression Companies Respond to LSN Member Questions Chair of LSN, Anita Wallace MBE discusses member compression questions with Corporate LSN Companies

Compression Companies Respond to LSN Member Questions

DEEP OSCILLATION® - 'Making a difference to those living with Lymphoedema and Lipoedema'

By Mary Fickling on Aug 23 2022.
DEEP OSCILLATION® - 'Making a difference to those living with Lymphoedema and Lipoedema' Internationally Patented, Electrostatic Field Therapy. In contrast to externally applied, mechanical forms of therapy (e.g. vibration on the surface of the skin), the therapeutic effect of deep oscillation (also known as DEEP OSCILLATION® or HIVAMAT®) permeates a depth of 8 cm through skin, connective tissue, subcutaneous fat tissue, muscles, blood and lymphatic vessels, with a range of clinically proven effects. [1]

DEEP OSCILLATION® - 'Making a difference to those living with Lymphoedema and Lipoedema'

Marie Reynolds Friday Facial with Deep Oscillation Included

By Mary Fickling on Aug 22 2022.
Marie Reynolds Friday Facial with Deep Oscillation Included It was because Deep Oscillation is used medically that Marie Reynolds brought Deep Oscillation in to her treatments and she has seen amazing results. Watch closely the different treatments used...

Marie Reynolds Friday Facial with Deep Oscillation Included

Aesthetics Surgery: Post-Surgery Scar Management with Deep Oscillation

By Default Admin User on Aug 22 2022.
Aesthetics Surgery: Post-Surgery Scar Management with Deep Oscillation With thanks to Paola Yañez Chandia, Lic. Kinesiologist Physiatrist, University Prof. of Lymphokinesic Taping and DLM. Peripheral vascular rehabilitation. Author of Taping Books

Aesthetics Surgery: Post-Surgery Scar Management with Deep Oscillation

Mrs P Reviews The Deep Oscillation Personal for Secondary Lymphoedema of the Arm Post Breast Cancer Surgery

By Mary Fickling on Aug 03 2022.
Mrs P Reviews The Deep Oscillation Personal for Secondary Lymphoedema of the Arm Post Breast Cancer Surgery Ms P bought the Deep Oscillation Personal, 7 years ago in 2014. She recently got in touch to order a new mains lead because she had misplaced hers, we asked how she was getting on...

Mrs P Reviews The Deep Oscillation Personal for Secondary Lymphoedema of the Arm Post Breast Cancer Surgery

Mary Fickling of PhysioPod Reviews New LSN Book: "Your Lymphoedema - Taking back Control"

By Mary Fickling on Aug 03 2022.
Mary Fickling of PhysioPod Reviews  New LSN Book: “The minute the book was advertised I placed an order and it is now living permanently on my office desk. Already several pages have been folded down and not just the ones that mention Deep Oscillation either! Thank you @AuthorsLSN so much for the inclusion, we really do appreciate it, as do Physiomed the innovators and manufacturers of Deep Oscillation in Germany. As a company who work closely with those living with Lymphoedema and Lymphoedema Practitioners, it's an incredibly valuable resource to have.

Mary Fickling of PhysioPod Reviews  New LSN Book:

Vacation Medication: A Note Of Caution - By Christine Talbot

By Mary Fickling on Jul 28 2022.
Vacation Medication:  A Note Of Caution - By Christine Talbot Mrs W was enjoying a family holiday in Florida but developed a streaming nasal and sinus congestion with a persistent cough at the beginning of her last week.  All Covid tests were negative and she thought the heavy cold like symptoms had been caused by repeatedly going between efficient cold air conditioning into high outside temperatures.  Having forgotten her Day and Night Nurse remedy from the UK, Mrs W bought the equivalent cold/sinus congestion medication from an Amercian superstore.  She took two capsules of the day medication which dried up the runny nose and reduced her coughing.  Prior to bed Mrs W took one capsule of night decongestant from the blister pack of two.  She awoke three times during the night urgently requiring to pass urine. She felt very drugged and drowsy with a fuzzy head each time she got up.

Vacation Medication:  A Note Of Caution - By Christine Talbot