Lymphoedema of the arm
Mrs L was very pleased to have reduced the swelling in her arm enough to go without her compression sleeve for short periods of time in the Summer following treatment with DEEP OSCILLATION...
With thanks to Denise Hall of Therapeutic Solutions
"Mrs L contacted me excitedly. She said the lymphoedema clinic could not understand why there had suddenly been a significant reduction in the volume of her arm. She could only think it was because of the Hivamat 200® which we had started to use with her manual lymphatic drainage treatment. She is extremely pleased with the look of her arm and was able to expose it without a compression garment for short periods of time in the summer"
Other pages in this section...
DEEP OSCILLATION in self care of arm lymphoedema following breast cancer treatment
Emma Brown speaks about the Deep Oscillation Personal for self treatment
Breast Cancer Related Lymphoedema - Self Care with Deep Oscillation
Ms X bought the Deep Oscillation Personal to manage secondary lymphoedema in her arm back in 2014. She recently got in touch to order a new mains lead because she had misplaced hers, we asked how she was getting on...
Self care of Lymphoedema and Sinusitis with the Deep Oscillation Personal
Still going strong after 10 years, the Deep Oscillation Personal has become a permanent fixture in this lady's self care routine. She is also very pleased with the level of after care support provided: "I just wanted to say that the service you gave me was superb. You listened to the problems I had with my machine and gave excellent advice. The parts I ordered arrived the very next day, and now I am using my wonderful ‘new’ machine again"
Lymphoedema, Sinusitis and Anti-Aging with the Deep Oscillation Personal
Still going strong after 10 years, the Deep Oscillation Personal has become a permanent fixture in this lady's self care routine. She is also very pleased with the level of after care support provided: "I just wanted to say that the service you gave me was superb. You listened to the problems I had with my machine and gave excellent advice. The parts I ordered arrived the very next day, and now I am using my wonderful ‘new’ machine again"
Lymphoedema of the Arm following BCRL - self care with Deep Oscillation
A recommendation following four years of self management with the easy to use device.
Recurrent Cellulitis - A Patient Perspective - 2019
"I suffer from secondary Lymphoedema after having breast cancer surgery. I have had recurring cellulitis in my arm, sometimes as often as three times a year. Just over a year ago, I was offered a weeks trial of Deep Oscillation by my local Lymphoedema Service. The therapy was good, so I decided to go down the route of having my own machine...
DEEP OSCILLATION® for scar tissue and fibrosis following breast cancer surgery
Lovely feedback for Cathrine Gwitirwa, Chartered Breast Care and Lymphoedema Physiotherapist and great to see Deep Oscillation mentioned.
Benefits of DEEP OSCILLATION® and manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) in Breast Cancer Related Lymphoedema, Cording & Fibrosis
Published on LinkedIn Pulse Published on September 27, 2019
Lymphoedema neck, arm and trunk
"My Lymphoedema was first diagnosed in 2004, in my left arm following surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy for breast cancer. Until 2014, I believed that I had it under control - with simple compression sleeves for the affected arm. I also believed what I was I was told - that typically such Lymphoedema only affected the arm adjacent to the surgery.
Self Management With DEEP OSCILLATION® For Secondary Lymphoedema Enables Patient To Feel In Control
"I have had Lymphoedema in my left arm for about 4 years. I felt in constant confusion and anxiety about the vague management instructions one receives for this lifelong chronic condition and the variability of the swelling – which I seemed unable to influence or control very much. Last year quite suddenly my arm started to deteriorate quickly and I began to get desperate. I decided to imagine I was newly diagnosed and started researching best possible treatments from scratch. I found Deep Oscillation Therapy.
Rosemary Gardner Feedback DEEP OSCILLATION® - I have found that the combination of MLD and HIVAMAT® 200 has reduced limb volume, softened fibrotic tissue and have also had reports from patients stating their hair and nails are stronger
“Working both in the NHS and private practice I have been using the HIVAMAT® 200 200 along side MLD with my oncology patients for the last 18 months to great benefit..
DEEP OSCILLATION® treatment for Secondary Lymphoedema of Breast and Cording
"The lady came to me after breast cancer treatment, which included lumpectomy, lymph node dissection, chemotherapy and radiotherapy...
DEEP OSCILLATION® treatment for Secondary Lymphoedema of the Arm and Cording
Sossi Yerissian MLD DLT Practitioner and Lymphoedema Therapist used DEEP OSCILLATION® for cording improving arm movements allowing her patient to resume her daily activities without restrictions.
Marie Todd Lymphoedema CNS reports on patient self managing with DEEP OSCILLATION® for Severe Fibrosis of Lower Arm, Hand and Fingers
“The lady was treated for left breast cancer with mastectomy, axillary node clearance and adjuvant chemotherapy. Nine months following completion of her chemotherapy, she started to develop problems with her left hand and fingers. She noticed difficulty in bending her fingers and ‘firmness’ in the skin on her hand. This progressed until her hand, fingers and lower arm became fibrotic/sclerotic and there was very little movement in the wrist and fingers..
Carol Vickery, Lymphoedema sufferer writes in to report of self treatment with DEEP OSCILLATION® and her decision to purchase a unit for self management
"I have had Lymphoedema in my left arm for over 2 years, since surgery for breast cancer. I have struggled with compression bandaging and wear a compression sleeve. I was delighted when Lorraine Brown CNS at the The Beacon Lymphoedema Service in Guildford offered me to try one of the four new machines they had just purchased to try and help with the Lymphoedema"
Lymphoedema Sufferer Reports Back - It's Good News All The Way With Weekly Use Of The PhysioPod
PhysioPod UK happily receive weekly feedback from Lymphoedema sufferers self-managing with their Personal DEEP OSCILLATION units. This week Janet provided her update, with the wonderful news that not only did the swelling in her arm and hand not increase during the Summer months (as she had been warned), it actually reduced with the weekly use of her PhysioPod.
Arm Lymphoedema much softer with daily self treatment of DEEP OSCILLATION®
Janet came to see Julie just before Christmas 2013, and purchased a unit to take back to Leeds with her. On 10th January 2014, she wrote to Julie to let her know how she was getting on. Not only is Janet happy to share her feedback, she is also happy to speak to other sufferers about her experience. Her daughter's back ache has also been sorted with the therapy.
Daily self management with the DEEP OSCILLATION PERSONAL SPORTS enables Amanda to keep her arm lymphoedema in check and continue with the leisure pursuits she enjoys..
"I developed lymphoedema in my left arm a year after having bilateral mastectomies and all the lymph nodes removed from under my left arm. I play golf and two racquet sports and am left-handed so it seemed it inevitable that it would probably happen...
Margaret manages Lymphoedema at home and abroad with the DEEP OSCILLATION® PERSONAL SPORTS
"Christine Talbot has been a Godsend to me, a breath of fresh air. I feel that this machine, along with your recommendation to visit Christine Talbot, has changed my life. I cannot thank you enough!"
Life is so much more comfortable now - Lymphoedema sufferer provides testimonial following use of the DEEP OSCILLATION PERSONAL SPORTS
After receiving treatment, for my arm lymphoedema, from Christine Talbot, I was pleased to find that there was a ‘personal' machine that I could purchase to use inbetween visits to Christine so I got in touch with Physiopod and ordered one for home use.
Broken Bones Set Off Secondary Arm Lymphoedema, Self Management with the DEEP OSCILLATION® PERSONAL has been very effective.
Having had lymph nodes removed in 2008 after breast cancer, I thought I was doing well but a fall in 2010 causing some broken bones seemed to set off some lymphodema in my left arm.
Truncal Lymphoedema and Lymphoedema of the arms-Elizabeth
Bi-lateral mastectomies left Elizabeth with truncal Lymphoedema and Lymphoedema of the arms. A new treatment method with the Hivamat 200 was offered by her MLD therapist producing impressive results with a reduction in swelling, pain and softened scar tissue. After discussion with her therapist, Elizabeth decided to invest in a DEEP OSCILLATION® Personal Unit and reports that she is very pleased with her decision.
Lymphoedema of the arm (one)
"As a result of breast cancer twenty years ago I have periodically suffered from Lymphoedema and I started having regular MLD massages in September 2011. I was loaned a Physiopod for four weeks by my therapist over a holiday period and I found it so helpful that I decided to buy my own"
Lymphoedema of the arm
Breast Cancer surgery eight years ago left this lady with Lymphoedema of the arm. MLD with DEEP OSCILLATION from Carol-Ann Barrett has brought about dramatic results which she feels are longer lasting than with just MLD alone.
Lymphoedema of the arm Helen Jan 11
Helen decided that after a holiday without MLD sessions and the significant effect this had on her condition that she really needed to be able to self manage her arm Lymphoedema so she contacted PhysioPod...
Lymphoedema of the arm
Mrs L was very pleased to have reduced the swelling in her arm enough to go without her compression sleeve for short periods of time in the Summer following treatment with DEEP OSCILLATION...
Lymphoedema of the arm
Zieduna travelled from Dublin to Scotland for a course of treatments with Lynora Kennedy, she went home with DEEP OSCILLATION® Personal and works regularly with the therapy to keep her lymphoedema maintained...
Lymphoedema of the arm
Linda researched DEEP OSCILLATION® after hearing about the self treatment therapy from her MLD Therapist...