Lymphoedema of the arm Helen Jan 11
Helen decided that after a holiday without MLD sessions and the significant effect this had on her condition that she really needed to be able to self manage her arm Lymphoedema so she contacted PhysioPod...
"I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 39 and had 'the whole nine yards' treatment including an operation, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy and lymph gland removal. Some four years later, after a bout of 'flu I developed mild lymphodoema in my arm which I have managed, fairly successfully by having regular MLD massages and wearing a supportive sleeve.
After a holiday where I wasn't able to have any MLD treatments, my condition significantly worsened. I decided it would be very helpful if I could treat the condition myself when I was away from London and decided to contact Physiopod.
The team at Physiopod were extremely helpful and informative. They suggested that I visit an MLD therapist in London who used the Physiopod system. I had a very useful session with her and decided to buy the smaller personal system to use at home.
I have found the Physiopod very beneficial. It arrived with a card with a personalised treatment programme and in a well designed carrying case.
I was away for five weeks in the summer, used the Physiopod at least four or five times a week and found that it managed my condition very well. The system is easy to use and very portable. I thoroughly recommend it to anyone with lymphodoema. It was also very useful when I sprained my ankle!"
January 2011