Gaynor Leech, Founder of L-W-O Community and Expert Lymphoedema Patient Advocate
PhysioPod enjoy a wonderful working partnership with Gaynor Leech of L-W-O Community ever since Mary and Gaynor became acquainted on Twitter in 2017. The Sisters met Gaynor in person in 2018 and again at the MLDUK Conference in 2019.
Over the past four years, many hours have been spent working together to raise awareness of, and increase understanding of Lymphoedema culminating in two digital Lymphoedema awareness campaigns that were recognised globally. Mary and Gaynor have become independent soundboards for each others ideas to enhance patient understanding of Lymphoedema, which is a chronic long-term disease that causes swelling in the body’s tissues.
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The Evolving Landscape of Healthcare and Technology
The Changing Face of Healthcare
Hello Spring by Gaynor Leech
"You Are NOT Alone!" Gaynor Leech on new book from Lymphoedema United
The NHS Spine for Prescriptions
Accessing Digital or Electronic Health Records (EHRs)
Gaynor Leech Guest Blog - May 2023
Travel and Lymphoedema - If you have lymphoedema or another chronic condition, you should make as much preparation in advance of your trip as you can, whether it's for pleasure or business, a brief stopover, or a lengthy excursion. Although none of us likes to consider ourselves to be disabled, mobility issues can take many different shapes. They all pose difficulties when travelling, from having swollen and uncomfortable lymphoedema in your feet, legs, arms, or other areas that are not visible to having osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis and quite a few of our members have fibromyalgia.
Gaynor Leech Guest Blog - April 2023
Understanding the Patient’s Agenda by Gaynor Leech - November 2022
"Early October, I attended my 5th conference with The British Lymphology Society, (BLS). I have attended three in person and two online during Covid. On a personal level, I still see my attendance at this conference as a privilege
Highlights of The British Lymphology Society (BLS) Annual Conference 2022 - By Gaynor Leech, Lymphoedema Patient Advocate and Founder of LWO Community
It was great to be back at a 'in-person' conference, which was again held at Yarnfield Park, Stone. Monday (as I have previously written) was a day of workshops and unfortunately, because of co-presenting my own workshops, I missed the one on skincare, which I would love to have attended. Skincare is one of my health passions.
Gaynor Leech Guest Blog - October 2022
Goodness me where has this year gone? We are already in Autumn, the days are getting shorter and the nights are drawing in fast. While we close our curtains earlier, many of us are afraid to put the heating on. As fuel bills rise around the world, keeping warm is essential for our health and wellbeing.
Gaynor Leech Guest Blog - August 2022
70 Plus and Mammograms
In the UK any female who is registered with a GP will be invited by the NHS for breast screening every three years between the ages of 50 and 71. You will be sent an invitation in the post.
Gaynor Leech Guest Blog June 2022
Gaynor Leech Guest Blog April 2022
Gaynor Leech Guest Blog March 2022
Gaynor Leech Guest Blog February 2022
Gaynor Leech Guest Blog December 2021
Gaynor Leech Guest Blog November 2021
Gaynor Leech Guest Blog October 2021
Gaynor Leech Guest Blog September 2021
"August is a quiet month and I always take a break usually for the whole month, but ongoing commitments meant that I scheduled two weeks and managed three. For L-W-O Community it has been a full-on year and I hadn’t realised how tired I was. My family organised a surprise 70th birthday party which I had not a scooby doo about and I now know why my youngest grandchildren and great granddaughter had not been visiting quite so much.
Gaynor Leech Guest Blog - August 2021
"June and July have been two extremely busy months for L-W-O Community and the new website has been well received and as an ongoing project it is taking shape nicely. I have spent my time writing articles, attending conferences, courses, webinars and learning new skills but all aimed at moving us forward. It has taken me a couple of years to work out as a patient advocate (with a non-medical background) how to introduce more information on Lymphatic Health. Two opportunities arose...
Jane Wigg RGN, MSc, Lymphoedema Clinical Expert, Answers L-W-O Community Member Questions
In February 2021, PhysioPod® UK (in working partnership with L-W-O Community) contacted Jane to ask for her support in their joint Lymphoedema Awareness Week and World Lymphoedema Day Campaign. Jane Wigg is internationally acclaimed as being one of the leading lights in Lymphoedema treatment development, research and education and is well-known for her passion to 'optimalise treatment' for those living with Lymphoedema. Jane created a fabulous video message of support.
Lipoedema - Why Don't They Listen? By Gaynor Leech, LWO Community Founder and Patient Advocate - JUNE 2021
"Early May, when Mary and I were discussing the next article for the June Newsletter, she reminded me that June was Lipoedema Awareness Month and she suggested I might write an article on Lipoedema because some LWO Community members would have Lipo-Lymphoedema.
"There is no specific diet for Lymphoedema" - MAY 2021
We are told that there is no specific diet for lymphoedema and taking vitamins and minerals will not help. However, I passionately believe in personal choices and encourage you to make your own healthy choices. Our members at one time or another have probably discussed just about every diet going. In my writing or on my website until November 2020 last year I have not specifically concentrated on Plant-Based diets. Personally, I hate the word diet, as do many of our members and we would prefer to concentrate on healthy living, and I find that it is the small changes to life that make a difference. In this poster I explain the different types of vegetarianism, in my case, I am more of a Pescatarian because I love fish.
Gaynor Leech LWO Community Guest Blog: "Time to Reflect" - APRIL 2021
With March and #LAW and #WLD behind us for now it is time to jump forward into spring. Both Mary and I have taken a break and a digital detox after the exhilarating and exhausting ride preparing for the awareness week activities. The analysis of our success we will leave for the May newsletter. We both intend to take time off for Easter.
The LWO Community and PhysioPod 2021 Campaign for Lymphoedema Awareness Week and World Lymphoedema Day - MARCH 2021
In our many conversations we started talking about this year’s campaign for LAW and WLD and how we could work together. We started working in January and decided we would make our joint campaign visual. I sent Mary a slide presentation I did for use in the Community and she said, “hmm too long for a video, I can make seven videos out of your presentation”. To date Mary has made 14 videos using my words and writing. I am absolutely thrilled with the results and although my poster/video skills are improving, I could never have achieved the results that Mary has. She has put countless hours into our joint video presentations, they have deliberately been made short and will be released on a daily basis from the 1st March 2021. Mary, Julie, and I, sincerely hope they will give anyone who watches them a greater understanding of what Lymphoedema is and what it is like for those of us who live with Lymphoedema.
"Where on earth does one start writing about this year’s events. After hubby and I saw in the New Year at a lovely New Year's Eve party, how could we begin to imagine what lay ahead... READ MORE
BLS Virtual Conference 2020 - A Review from Gaynor Leech - DEC 2020
As a British Lymphology Society (BLS) member, I was thrilled to attend the first Virtual Conference in October of 2020. In this challenging new world although not a new concept 2020 has seen more courses, webinars and conferences move online as organisations adapt to a new way of learning, promoting, and reaching their audience or customer base.
Winter Skin Tips - OCT 2020
If you are living with Lymphoedema then you will know that a great emphasis is placed on looking after your skin in hot weather. However it is just as important to look after our skin in cold weather. I have created this video of tips for you, I hope it's helpful.
Deep Oscillation Review by Gaynor Leech, Lymphoedema Patient Advocate and L-W-O Founder: SEPT 2020
"Imagine my delight in July when talking to Mary Fickling through one of our many conversations she said “I have a brain wave” we were discussing Deep Oscillation Therapy (DOT) and the many reports to the success of DOT and how it could be beneficial to someone living with Lymphoedema. At the time Mary was busy writing her first Newsletter and I was getting ready to launch our Families website, so both extremely busy. I had asked Mary whether she would write a piece for the Management and Treatment on deep oscillation and whether DOT was suitable for Children.
L-W-O Community: Exciting News - New Website Launched for Families Whose Children Live with Lymphoedema
Gaynor Leech "I am very excited to be introducing L-W-O Community’s new family website to compliment our families support group for Paediatric and Primary Lymphoedema. Did you know babies and children could be born with lymphoedema..?
Deep Breathing Tips
"One of the best things I have ever been taught since developing Lymphoedema is the art of deep breathing exercises. This has helped me greatly as an Asthmatic and has reduced my reliance on Asthma pumps. Not only does it help in opening the Lymphatic system, it has helped with relaxation. One of my favourite breathing exercises is "blowing bubbles". Who would have thought as a senior I would be using the bubbles I buy for my grandchildren as a way of practising deep breathing? Lots of fun.
Lymphoedema Summers
"Living with lymphoedema you might find your affected limb(s) swell more in the summer months or when you are on holiday because of the heat, do not get too upset as the swelling will go down when the temperatures go down. Increased swelling, prickly heat, hives, insect bites, and stings are far more likely to happen when the sun is out, or you are on holiday. Skin care is essential -make sure you use plenty of sun cream. The clothes you wear, including your underwear, should not leave indentations. Underwear that is normally well-fitting might feel tighter if your body swells from the heat.
A Lymphoedema Diagnosis? With Care, Gardening Can Continue.
A short article and video from Gaynor Leech of Lymph-What-Oedema . "My love of gardening started at an early age when both my grandfathers would take me out into the garden to play, showing me all the vegetables they had grown and all the different flowers and plants. I was fascinated by the different colours and textures. They both had post World War 2 gardens which were long and narrow which was meant to encourage them to grow their own food...
A Cool Night's Sleep and Lymphoedema Summer
A short article and video from Gaynor Leech of Lymph-What-Oedema with her top tips to get a cool night's sleep in Lymphoedema Summers. "For those of you who have restless nights during the summer because its humid and you feel there is no air, maybe you struggle to breathe or you are soaked through and your head is screaming “I need to sleep”. In the UK most of us do not have the luxury of air-conditioning in our bedrooms, if you are lucky you might have a ceiling fan or a bedside table fan or like me you rely on keeping the bedroom window open all night. However, you may not be able to open a window because of noise or safety, so here are a few simple tips that might make life easier.
Gaynor Leech, Founder of L-W-O Reviews 'AQUA - A Medical Mystery' by Gemma Levine
A thoughtful review of Gemma's latest black and white photography book from Gaynor Leech, Founder of L-W-O Community who provide valuable support to those living with Primary, Secondary and Paediatric Lymphoedema online and in the Community