"You Are NOT Alone!" Gaynor Leech on new book from Lymphoedema United
"Matt Hazledine of Lymphoedema United approached me in 2022 and asked if I would be interested in contributing a chapter to a book that he and Amy Rivera were co-editing. Amy is a patient advocate and the founder of the Ninjas Fighting Lymphedema Foundation in the United States. Of course, I said yes.
Thirty-four individuals with lymphoedema from fourteen different countries joined Amy and Matt in contributing their heartwarming personal stories and best practices to show the readers that you can live a fulfilling life while living with lymphoedema.
Their respective national flag and a quotation were presented at the outset of each contributor's story. My quote…
“I believe you can accomplish whatever you feel capable of.”
Upon concluding each chapter, each contributor was requested to provide their top tip. Here is my recommendation:
“Learn to understand yourself and what works for you.”
Physical and emotional health might be negatively affected by lymphoedema, but this book, "You are Not Alone," demonstrates that despite the lack of understanding of lymphoedema in our different healthcare systems, we have all learned to advocate for ourselves as individuals."