Gaynor Leech Guest Blog - August 2022
70 Plus and Mammograms - In the UK any female who is registered with a GP will be invited by the NHS for breast screening every three years between the ages of 50 and 71. You will be sent an invitation in the post.
As a breast cancer survivor, I am truly grateful that my routine mammogram in 2010 found some anomalies which were dealt with quickly, efficiently and my long-term prognosis was good.
Routine mammograms over the last 12 years for me, not only up my anxiety levels, but because I have breast lymphoedema they are also extremely painful. However, I still go. Subsequent mammograms for someone who has had breast cancer often bring fear of the unknown, until you get your results, then elation that you can breathe again and you can move forward for another three years.
Do Check Yourselves - Information with thanks to Breast Cancer Now
Do check yourselves between the three yearly mammograms. During the last 12 years, I have had minor scares probably down to my imagination, as anyone who has had cancer will tell you, psychologically it never leaves you. There have been two more serious ones, the last one was June of this year (2022). The radiologist spotted something she didn’t like the look of, despite being in post Covid times, once again the GEH and UHCW moved quickly and efficiently. I am grateful that everything turned out okay and I can breathe again. Men can get breast cancer – they need to check themselves
70 is the new middle age
I never have a problem with age and last year I turned 70, to me this is the new middle age. However, this is the age that society decides you should be put on the scrap heap. Anyone who has turned 70 and drives, will know that you are in that category where you must renew your driving licence every three years after declaring yourself fit to do so. Insurances start to go up, especially holiday insurance and leaflets on incontinence start arriving through your letterbox.
Goverment Guidance << LINK
After this year’s mammogram, I was informed it would be my last, as I was in my 71st year. Something that is totally beyond my comprehension for anyone, especially those of us who have had breast cancer. The onus is upon you and I to ask for a referral via our GPs.
After my mammogram, I was given a card to remind me that I can ask for a referral in June 2025. However, because of the anomaly they found in June and being referred to UHCW the Doctor who did the ultrasound has put me back into the system, so in June 2025, I should get an invitation to have the next one done.
Chatting afterwards to the Doctor, the advice was that once you have turned 71 and especially if you have had breast cancer, you should ask for a mammogram every three years or until you feel you don’t need one.
If the nation at large is going to be working until they are 70, then society must adapt and stop writing us off.
PS, I am taking a Summer break and will next contribute to the PhysioPod News Magazine on 1st October, take care everyone x