"There is no specific diet for Lymphoedema" - Guest Blog from Gaynor Leech
We are told that there is no specific diet for lymphoedema and taking vitamins and minerals will not help. However, I passionately believe in personal choices and encourage you to make your own healthy choices.
Our members at one time or another have probably discussed just about every diet going. In my writing or on my website until November 2020 last year I have not specifically concentrated on Plant-Based diets. Personally, I hate the word diet, as do many of our members and we would prefer to concentrate on healthy living, and I find that it is the small changes to life that make a difference. In this poster I explain the different types of vegetarianism, in my case, I am more of a Pescatarian because I love fish.
I do not count calories, follow the latest diet craze, I certainly do not believe in all these miracle diets that we see in newspapers, magazines and especially those that pop up on social media. In my family you are either so skinny your bones show though or tend to be on the large side, and I fall into the latter. However, after taking Tamoxifen for five years due to breast cancer treatment my weight ballooned. Many times, in my life the seesaw diets have produced loss of weight which once stopped the weight piled on, and I ended up worse off than when I started.
Once the cancer treatment had stopped, I finally took control, my new regime was no quick fix, it took six years to lose six stone but importantly it has stayed off, even through lockdown. How did I do this? Portion Control switching larger crockery for smaller bowls and plates also introducing a plant-based diet based on the food I like.
Importantly I also found the switch to portion control and a plant-based diet in my case helped to reduce inflammation and therefore reduced pain.
"Think of it, as being a lifestyle change rather than a diet".
Gaynor x