Lymphoedema Summer
A short article and video from Gaynor Leech of Lymph-What-Oedema regarding self care, to help those living with Lymphoedema to stay safe this Summer.
"Living with lymphoedema you might find your affected limb(s) swell more in the summer months or when you are on holiday because of the heat, do not get too upset as the swelling will go down when the temperatures go down.
Increased swelling, prickly heat, hives, insect bites, and stings are far more likely to happen when the sun is out, or you are on holiday. Skin care is essential -make sure you use plenty of sun cream. The clothes you wear, including your underwear, should not leave indentations. Underwear that is normally well-fitting might feel tighter if your body swells from the heat.
Remember your skin can burn through clothes.
However, hard it might be, please wear your compression and remember you can get bitten through your compression. Always have a mini first aid kit handy that has antiseptic cream, antiseptic wipes, insect repellent and antihistamines. Bites or stings treat immediately. You will find lots of tips and advice on our holiday care page. Keep a spare top or item of clothing in a plastic bag in the fridge for a quick change and cool down.
As temperatures rise, please make sure you drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated, avoid fizzy drinks, caffeine drinks and alcohol as they tend to increase swelling. Always apply sensible precautions. Meals keep small, stay away from salty snacks, instead have crunchy snacks. Finally, my favourite tip for a hot day is to have an oven-free-day"
About Gaynor
Gaynor Leech is the Founder of L-W-O (lymph-what-oedema). L-W-O provides non-medical support and promotes:
- Self-management
- Raising awareness
- Bringing people together
- Empowering their members
- Signposting
They are UK based, patient-driven and voluntary. L-W-O is an independent, not for profit organisation.
L-W-O website has been described as the most viewed Lymphoedema website in the UK and Europe. The website is written entirely from a patient's point of view.
L-W-O has a strong social media presence with its own website;, a community page and closed online support, Pinterest, You Tube, Twitter and LinkedIn. Without their social media presence, they would not have reached as many Lymphoedema members as they have.
L-W-O Message: Lymphoedema exists, We exist
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