Review of Lipoedema Ladies "Big Meet" - 11th October 2014 at The Village Urban Resort Hotel
PhysioPod UK Limited met with Lipoedema Ladies at their third BIG MEET yearly get-together at The Village Urban Resort Hotel, Hyde in Manchester
"a behind the scenes review of an exhibitor"
By Mary Fickling, Director, PhysioPod™ UK Ltd
Third "Big Meet" of Lipoedema Ladies on Saturday, 11th October 2014
The Village Urban Resort Hotel, Hyde, Manchester
It was a delight to be involved again with the 3rd Meet up of Lipoedema Ladies. The Urban Village Spa in Hyde is in a perfect setting with plenty of parking and just six miles out of Manchester. The staff were friendly, knowledgable and obliging. In fact, we felt they could not do enough for us, helpfully allowing us to store our stand content in a room close by to The Inspiration Conference Suite, the room which had been set aside for the meeting the next day.
After unpacking, we made the most of the relaxing spa facilities and had the pleasure of bumping in to the lovely
Jane Wigg Director/Trainer from Lymphoedema Training Academy and Natalie Lee BSc, RN, Clinical Advisor & Lead Trainer from Haddenham Healthcare Limited in the pool. Both were tutoring the next day in the self-management focussed, practical workshops of 'Simple Lymphatic Drainage' (SLD) and Kinesio Taping to help with the symptoms of Lipoedema.
Following a great meal in the Verve Grill we joined the "Upper Deck Balconies" reserved for Lipoedema Ladies and partners for drinks before retiring.
'A Montage of the PhysioPod Relaxation Quarter'
Early next morning Julie and I set up our little oasis of calm in the room adjoining the main conference suite.
In the months running up to the meeting, ladies had pre-booked DEEP OSCILLATION® massages via email and all the slots of 30 minutes were booked for the entire day.
Nikki Denison, MLD DLT Practitioner & Lymphoedema Therapist therapist from Leeds had kindly offered to provide her services for the day 'free of charge'
Two peaceful and relaxing massage spaces were created in our renouned PhysioPod™ UK Ltd corporate colours of Turquoise and Green! Candles were lit and our Rose scented Iris Aroma Diffuser was switched on to create the perfect ambience. At 6.30am the Lipoedema Ladies Team arrived led by Chair of Lipoedema Ladies, Michelle Ellis. Michelle had put a tremendous amount of effort in the previous six month run up to the event, sourcing the right venue, co-ordinating the days events and organising speakers and now it was time to see all that hard work pay off and pay off it did. With the stage set, projectors up and impressive trade stands.
Exhibitors of the Day included:
Haddenham Healthcare Limited, Juzo,
Wingz The Lymphoedema Training Academy, Forever
As the doors opened at 9.00 am for registration, a very warm welcome was extended to the attendees; each lady/gent being given a different coloured lanyard denoting which workshop group they were in. The programme, information and goodies were supplied in a bowed bag and each had a kinesio taping patch adhered to their arm in order to check suitability of the product. They had thought of everything, even vouchers for their pre-booked DEEP OSCILLATION® massages. During the day I was asked to man (woman!) the reception for late arrivers and I was most impressed with the meticulous organisation. Ladies started to come along for their massages from 10.15 am with the last slot at 3.30 pm. I welcomed each and every one of them, showing them our designated privacy area to change. Julie and Nikki worked all day with big smiles on their faces, they both thoroughly enjoyed the day, even if both did try and upset my applecart by giving ladies a little longer! (The little minx's). All ladies got off the beds saying their legs felt 'lighter' and 'pain-free' and that's all we could ask for, our mission for the day accomplished. All the ladies who experienced a DEEP OSCILLATION® massage now have the full details of their nearest therapist for further sessions.
One lady on receiving these details emailed:
"That's great, thanks very much! Yes it was so good, my legs felt great afterwards - Thanks again :-)
Other feedback included:
"I just want to say myself a massive big thank you to you Julie and Nikki for last weekend. I really really appreciated your help! You are all amazing !! Since my treatment last week my legs feel so much better still!! Seriously, I can't believe it ! I was at work yesterday for 16 hours and the only thing that bothered me was my achillies!"
Lunch was great with the specially added touch of a glass of bubbly set at each place setting. I deliberated over the choice of fresh fruit salad or large slice of chocolate cake for desert for what seemed like seconds (naturally the cake won) and it was delicious!
The expanding PhysioPod™ UK Ltd team look forward to the 4th meet up in 2015 and hope next year to join the evening meal and the fun aqua session.