Gavin Neate - Founder of WelcoMe - a World First

Mary Fickling and Gavin Neate became friends in July 2021 when Gavin was the only person to come forward with the answer to a question on the subject of hidden disability she raised on Twitter. Since then, they have happily worked together on several blogs, which bring alive Gavin's thoughts and visions for a truly accessible future for all.

WelcoMe WebApp empowers all disabled people by reducing anxiety and increasing confidence in their real-world interactions.


Handles for Forks

forks for handles thumbnail for video


Welcome WebApp Feedback

What it takes..



Well Hello Levis!



International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPWD) - Gavin Neate Reflects on Progress of the 'WelcoMe' App



Be Ready to WelcoMe All of Your Customers

"I was so lucky.

For 18 years, I worked for an organisation where I trained blind and visually impaired people how to use their new guide dogs.

It was an awesome job (more of a vocation), and I was incredibly happy and felt this was my job for life...."


Lemonade from Lemons

The last few years have been some of the toughest for society and for me, although I'm very aware that I am fortunate to live in the country I do and have the support and love of my friends and family. However, I want to share with you the coping mechanism I have employed just in case something in it might be helpful to you.




Great News from WelcoMe...


“Don’t mess up, don’t mess up, don’t mess up”


Two men connect two puzzle pieces. Concept of business solution, solving a problem.


"What", "Why" and "How"



Access Refusals



Staff Training doesn't work



Does he take sugar? Clichés are clichés for a reason


What Next? WelcoMe Hits The High Street


Working from “home”



National Diversity Awards - Gavin Neate Awarded “Entrepreneur of Excellence”


Changing Society With Solutions - How PhysioPod Met Gavin