PhysioPod® UK Limited review The Scottish Physio First Conference November 2014
PhysioPod® UK Limited review their experience of their first time exhibiting DEEP OSCILLATION® therapy at the Scottish Physio First 2014 Conference in November 2014
The Scottish Physio First 2014 Conference took place on the evening of Friday 7th November and Saturday 8th November 2014 at
The Grange Manor, Glensburgh
Grangemouth FK3 8XJ
PhysioPod™ UK Ltd were delighted to be invited to attend the event which followed on from their successful trade stand at
Conference organised by Ruth Cross
Ruth Cross, Clinic and Corporate Manager of Sumo Therapies organised the conference with Sandy Robertson, Regional Officer of PhysioFirst Scotland and both were on hand at all times to ensure delegates and exhibitors were kept happy.
Friday Evening Speakers
Neil Frame, MChS SRCh DPodM Podiatric Specialist spoke on behalf of Canonbury Products Limited about the Barefoot Science Foot Strengthening System.
Barefoot Science insoles safely work the foot with every step to restore the natural architecture of muscles, bones and ligaments. The insole technology uses proprioception to progressively rebuild this structure. As the muscles strengthen, the foot becomes properly aligned to form a strong base for a natural gait and healthy body. The talk was well received by the attendees who all felt and experienced this innovative technology.
Lynora Kennedy of JTH Therapies BLS, MLD UK, DLT, Vodder MLD Practitioner and Lymphoedema Therapist
On the Friday evening, PhysioPod™ UK Ltd were pleased to listen to speakers, Lynora Kennedy and Kate Griffin from MLDuk who both use the HIVAMAT® 200. They gave a very informative talk on Manual Lymphatic Drainage and it's variety of uses. Of particular interest to listeners, was the section on Lipoedema (not Lymphoedema), which is a condition that many of the attendees were unaware of, or had misundertood as simple obesity. Lipoedema is a painful adipose tissue disorder, which is characterised by abnormal fat deposition of the lower limbs. Click here to learn more
Kate Griffin DLT DRSM Vodder MLDuk Registered Practitioner
Kate Griffin, co-presenter with Lynora Kennedy has also presented DEEP OSCILLATION®
at the Scottish Lymphoedema Practitioners Network Group
Friday Evening Meal
An exquisite evening meal was enjoyed with members of Scottish PhysioFirst and other exhibitors in the hotels conservatory dining room.
PhysioPod™ UK Ltd enjoyed the company of
Alan Borthwick, a charming Physiotherapist based in Montrose, Scotland
and Gordon Ritson, Sales Executive from Canonbury
Saturday's Presentations
Main Speaker sponsored by PPEF
Pain management and a Cognitive Behavioural Approach: How to help patients with persistent pain
Suzanne Brook Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist in Pain Management
Is Electrotherapy Any Use With A Fresh Injury?
Professor Tim Watson MCSP
The Growing Athlete - An Introduction to Paediatric Sports Injury
Sid Ahamed MCSP
Chronic does not mean unresponsive – it just means differently responsive
Professor Tim Watson MCSP
Additional Sponsors included:
Caspar van Dongen, Chief Executive Officer and Vivienne Dascanio, Chair of AACP
Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists
Blackwell Retail Ltd
Blue Zinc IT Ltd
Manual Lymphatic Drainage MLDuk
Mortara Dolby UK Ltd
Phoenix Healthcare Products Ltd
PhysioPod™ UK Ltd exclusive UK and Ireland Distributors of DEEP OSCILLATION® therapy