PhysioPod UK Become Sponsors of The National Lymphoedema Framework Ireland (NLFI)
The National Lymphoedema Framework Ireland (NLFI) was officially launched by Dr Vaughan Keeley and Prof Margaret Sneddon on behalf of the ILF (International Lymphoedema Framework) when both were guest speakers at the first National Lymphoedema Conference held at the Mater Misericordia Hospital in Dublin on September 24th 2015. In 2017, PhysioPod are proud to support this great initiative.
The Mission statement of the group is The National Lymphoedema Framework Ireland (NLFI) is dedicated to advocating for the improvement of lymphoedema care for patients in Ireland, in line with International Best Practice Guidelines as advocated by the International Lymphoedema Framework. (ILF)
The NLFI Steering Group aims are to engage with the appropriate members/stakeholders industry, government, health care organisations and patient advocacy groups in order to support the development of a strategy for Lymphoedema Services in Ireland and to promote and support the establishment of an effective integrative clinical care pathway for the management of lymphoedema in the best interest of patient care.
September 2016 saw the NLFI as the last entrant to an international multi-site population based study to determine the prevalence and functional impact of lymphoedema/chronic oedema in the adult population of member countries of the International Lymphoedema Framework. This study is called LIMPRINT, had a 3 year project duration and will be presented at the next ILF conference in Sicily June 2017
For further information please go to
September 2016 saw the NLFI as the last entrant to an international multi-site population based study to determine the prevalence and functional impact of lymphoedema/chronic oedema in the adult population of member countries of the International Lymphoedema Framework. This study is called LIMPRINT, had a 3 year project duration and will be presented at the next ILF conference in Sicily June 2017
For more information, please refer to the LIMPRINT section of the ILF