Denise Hall

MLD UK, Vodder MLD DLT Practitioner and Lymphoedema Therapist

Lymphoedema Solutions
United Kingdom
S32 3XL
Telephone 07855572502

Visit Lymphoedema Solutions Website

Treatment Locations

Calver, Derbyshire & Sheffield, S. Yorkshire


Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD)

Is a therapy which is designed to improve the functioning of the lymphatic system. This is primarily achieved through gentle rhythmical movements of the skin which stimulate the contraction of the lymphatic vessels. As a result, a greater amount of the metabolic waste products and excess fluid are removed from the body’s tissues and enter the lymphatic system. The fluid is now known as lymph and passes through a series of lymph modes where it is cleansed of dead cells, bacteria and other waste products. The clean lymph is then returned to the blood stream. A well-functioning lymphatic system contributes to healthy body tissue and plays an important part in the body’s immune responses.

MLD can be applied to many conditions and is excellent as a preventative measure to enhance well-being, especially before an operation.

  • MLD clears the skin
    Can be profoundly relaxing
    Alleviates fluid congestion such as tired puffy eyes and fluid retention due to pre=menstrual syndrome
    Promote the healing of wounds and burns and can improve the appearances and texture of old scars
  • MLD is used in treatment of various oedema
    Has successfully been used to aid the healing of leg ulcers
    Is a key element in the treatment of both secondary and primary lymphoedema
    May be used pre and post surgery to aid healing

Deep Oscillation Therapy

If considered appropriate, Deep Oscillation Therapy will also be used as part of the treatment for lymphoedema with the Hivamat machine. With deep oscillations swelling and oedemas can be relieved post-operatively considerably faster than with conventional therapies. Because it can be used at an extremely early stage, healing processes are stimulated and accelerated, local inflammation is inhibited, and pain is reduced over a sustained period.

Denise has had very effective results with DEEP OSCILLATION® and was pleased to share the following testimonials of her patients suffering from Lymphoedema of the Arm and Primary Lymphoedema


Indications helped with MLD and Deep Oscillation (where appropriate)

Acute and Chronic Pain 

Breast Reconstruction Healing

Burns Healing 

Cellulite (80% success in Grade 1 and Grade 2 Cases) 

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) 

Chronic Oedema 

Cording Post Breast Cancer Surgery 

Fibrocystic Breast Disease 



Fracture Healing (Post Traumatic) 




Natural Anti-Aging (dark circles, swollen eye lids, eye bags skin improvement) 

Pre and Post General Surgery (including Endoprosthesis and Osteosynthesis)

Pre and Post Liposuction (Cosmetic, Lymphoedema, Lipoedema Liposuction) 

Pre and Post Plastic Surgery

Wound Healing Disorders


In Pediatric:


Bronchial Asthma Yes/No

Lymphoedema Yes/No



Denise Hall is a fully trained in Decongestive Lymphatic Therapy having completed training at the Vodder Clinic in Walchsee, Austria. She has over 12 years of experience helping and treating people with lymphoedema giving them psychological support as well as physical support. Each patient is given a full hour of treatment and consultation. They can be either treated in Calver, Derbyshire or in Sheffield. Where required will work in conjunction with your medical practitioner and other healthcare professionals.


A member of MLDuk, a professional association for manual lymph drainage practitioners in the UK and was established in 1995

The aims of the Association are

To encourage high standards of training
To promote awareness of MLD among healthcare professionals and the general public
In order to ensure high standards of practice, members are required to undertake mandatory continuing professional development

MLDuk recognizes qualifications from Vodder school as well as some other schools

MLD as a therapy was refined in the 1930s by a Danish therapist called Dr Emil Vodder. Since Vodder’s pioneering work, modern research conducted by eminent leaders in the field of lymphology, has shown us how this method so effectively influences both the lymphatic and nervous systems.

In the UK MLD is continuing to be more widely accepted as an important component in the treatment and maintenance of lymphoedema and gaining acceptance for the treatment of some skin conditions

MLDuk members who have trained in Decongestive \lymphatic Therapy are qualified to treat pathologies such as lymphoedema (primary and secondary) and venous insufficiency. DLT combines \mld, multi-layered compression bandaging if necessary. Skin care and exercise and advice of compression garments.