Vicky Burr

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD DLT), Post Operative & Lymphoedema Specialist, ScarWork, Sports & Oncology Massage Therapy, Reflexology, Yoga, PT, Exercise Referral

Surrey MLD Limited
Four Clinics in Surrey
Call or WhatsApp for Appointment 07966 530 926


Mobile therapy in North Surrey, and Berkshire/Middlesex borders



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Instagram @vixiejb Instagram@vickybhealth


Treatments Available

  • Sports & Oncology Massage Therapy

  • ScarWork

  • Casley Smith MLD DLT Lymphoedema Specialist

  • Yoga, PT, Exercise Referral 

  • *Deep Oscillation

DEEP OSCILLATION® is an internationally patented, proven technology based on the effects of creating an electrostatic field in the tissue of the patient. Easy application is from therapist to client via hygienic, vinyl gloved hands; utilizing all normal massage movements or via circular movements over the tissue with a handheld applicator. The handheld applicator also enables self-treatment.

The special structure of DEEP OSCILLATION® allows the creation of biologically effective oscillations in the treated tissue using electrostatic attraction and friction. In contrast to other therapies, these pleasant oscillations have a gentle and deep-acting effect on all tissue components to an 8 cm depth (through skin, connective tissue, subcutaneous fat, muscles, blood and lymph vessels. Because of the non-invasive, non-traumatic, gentle nature of this therapy, very early possibilities of application are possible following injury and from Day One post operatively. Chronic conditions can also be worked upon with effective results.

*MLD - Manual Lymphatic Drainage (Casley Smith)

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) and Decongestive Therapy is designed to improve the functioning of your lymphatic system. This is primarily achieved by gentle, rhythmical movements of skin which removes excess fluids from your body’s tissues.

*MLD and Deep Oscillation therapy are offered, where appropriate, for the treatment of:

Acute and chronic pain
Burns Healing
Cellulite (80% Grade 1 and 2 Cases)
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Chronic Oedema
Cording Post Breast Cancer Surgery
Fibrocystic Breast Disease
Fracture healing (post traumatic)
Natural Anti-Aging (dark circles, swollen eye lids, eye bags skin improvement)
Pre and Post General Surgery (including Endoprosthesis and Osteosynthesis)
Pre and Post Liposuction (cosmetic, lymphoedema, lipoedema liposuction)
Pre and Post Plastic Surgery, Breast Reconstruction
Wound Healing Disorders


Sharon Wheeler ScarWork™ Therapy 

ScarWork treatment is used to improve the health and feel of scars from surgery or accidents. Most people try ScarWork because scar tissue is the cause of discomfort. This may be pain, reduced mobility or a feeling of tightness. The scar may be numb, itchy or feeling sensitive and irritated. Stimulation to the tissues is likely to promote the blood and lymphatic supply, essential for cell regeneration. After treatment, clients often comment their scars feel softer, mobility has improved and they feel less pain. Improvement after treatment seems to be lasting and even single sessions can be helpful.




Personal Profile

"I am both a practitioner and teacher of soft tissue therapy, having begun alongside studying BSc in Sport and Health Sciences at St Mary’s University in Twickenham. Alongside my clinic, I am a health coach, prescribing exercise and advising on nutrition to help people manage or avoid chronic health conditions. I also teach yoga at various venues throughout north Surrey. From a massage perspective, although beginning my career in sports massage, I have specialised in Oncology massage, ScarWork therapy and Manual Lymphatic Drainage, all of which I put to good use in my clinic, in client homes, and through volunteering every other week at the Fountain Centre in St Lukes Cancer Centre at the Royal Surrey County Hospital in Guildford. I am also a lymphoedema patient, having managed my own condition for over 20 years, thanks to early diagnosis and referral and good support. I take an holistic approach to helping clients, and am passionate about helping people to have a better quality of life through therapies, exercise and nutrition tailored to their needs. In addition to theraputic treatments and services, I offer Beauty facials and/or access to cruelty free, clinically proven skincare and health products."

Vicky Burr


Instagram @vixiejb

@vixiejb "Feedback on this little beauty is phenomenal, not even a month old and proving it's worth already! You have to experience it to really get it though, words just can't convey how it feels. I'm so impressed by how many conditions it can help too, and it's so gentle.  Just in the last week I've used it to help improve scars, fibromyalgia, muscle tear, tendonitis, cancer patients relax and lymphoedema! Of course you can still have the oily ouchie version if you prefer ????"

#deeposcillationtherapy #deeposcillation #massagetherapy #sportsmassage #oncologymassage #lymphoedema #fibromyalgia #scarwork #mld