Therapy for Lymphoedema - A New Article for 2021 (mentions Deep Oscillation)
Brenke R. - Therapie des Lymphödems...EHK 2021; 70: 138-144 DOI - 10.1055/a-1477-8171
The therapy of lymphoedema is always individual - depending on the respective findings. Complex physical decongestive therapy (CPD) is still the therapy of choice for lymphoedema. The core of this therapy is manual lymphatic drainage, which can also be used for related conditions. This method is complemented by compression, exercise and skin care.
The article gives an overview of CPD. In the concluding outlook, the significance of other therapy options such as surgical options, medication, nutrition, lymphtaping, deep oscillation, etc. is explained.
Key words: Lymphedema - Complex Physical Decongestive Therapy - lymphatic system - edema - lymphatic drainage - compression therapy
Publication Date:
21 June 2021 (online)