The Skin Edit
Taylor Marriott and Paula Hunter
Mobile 07983 335 021
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Business Opening Hours: 10am – 8pm Monday to Friday
HydraFacial & HydraBody Dermalux LED ZO Skin Health Lymphatic Drainage
Now offering internationally patented
Deep Oscillation Electrostatic Massage
DEEP OSCILLATION® can be booked as a stand-alone therapy for the face and body, or in combination with complementary therapies such as lymphatic drainage. We perform lymphatic drainage with a patented device that uses high-pressure suction, together with a rhythmic pumping technique, applied in a specialised directional method to massage and drain lymph nodes manually.
DEEP OSCILLATION® can be integrated into our HydraFacial, HydraBody and Dermalux LED treatments to enhance results.
DEEP OSCILLATION®, as opposed to externally applied, mechanical forms of massage therapy (e.g. vibration acting on the skin surface), works through the entire tissue layers, including the connective tissue, to a depth of 8 cm (Solangel Hernandez Tapanes, MD, MSc, 2010). Delivered via the vinyl-gloved hands of the Practitioner as a massage or special applicators, the biologically effective oscillations work in the tissue segment undergoing treatment.
DEEP OSCILLATION® is a non-invasive, non-traumatic treatment which is very well received by patients. Because of its gentle application, it is a unique treatment for acute and chronic injury and day one post-operative. Clinically proven effects include significant pain reduction, anti-inflammatory, anti-fibrotic, detoxification, oedema reduction, haematoma reduction and support of the wound healing process.
To view references, articles and presentations please visit
About The Skin Edit Duo
How did you hear about DEEP OSCILLATION®?
What prompted you to buy?
We first heard about DEEP OSCILLATION® from another practitioner and after receiving the therapy ourselves, we knew we needed to invest in one for our clinic!
How do you find dealing with PhysioPod® UK Limited?
A joy! Great communication and support.