Siobhan Casey
Vodder MLD DLT Practitioner and Lymphoedema Therapist
Wellness Therapy Clinic
15b Warrenpoint Enterprise Centre
Newry Road
BT34 3LA
Mobile 07493 900 540
Now Offering Manual Lymphatic Drainage
Decongestive Lymphatic Therapy & DEEP OSCILLATION®
What is the Lymphatic System?
The lymphatic system is part of the body’s immune system and carries a fluid called lymph. It is a one-way drainage system made up of channels (lymphatic vessels) starting underneath the skin and ending in the neck. This system works together with the blood system to transport the lymph fluid and remove waste products. The lymphatic system acts like a waste disposal unit to help drain away fluids and waste matter known as lymph from the body’s tissues. It is also part of the body’s immune system and helps to prevent infection.
What is Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD)?
Manual Lymphatic Drainage is an advanced therapy aimed to enhance and stimulate the drainage of the lymphatic system. Encouraging the natural flow of lymph fluid around the body helping to eliminate waste products and reduce swelling as well as boosting the body’s immune system, promoting wellbeing and cleansing the entire body. It is important to support the lymphatic system as it performs a crucial function in our health and wellbeing.
What is Decongestive lymphatic therapy (DLT)?
Phase I – Decongestive Lymphatic Therapy / Intensive Phase
The prime objective of DLT is to reduce the limb size as much as possible, and in addition, to improve limb shape and skin condition. This intensive treatment may last for a period of 2-4 weeks and combines packages of treatments, ideally on a daily basis or every second day. Those with swelling that is considered to be mild or moderate and with a good limb shape, may not be required to have intensive treatment and would instead go straight to treatment phase II.
Phase I consists of four cornerstones of care
- Skin care
- Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD)
- Compression*
- Exercise and movement
*Short-stretch bandages or wrap compression systems are often the compression therapy of choice
Phase II – Maintenance
The goal of the long-term management phase, or ‘maintenance phase’, is to maintain and improve (if possible) the swelling reduction and benefits achieved in phase I. It is essential that treatment is continued immediately, and continuously, upon completion of phase I as unfortunately, the swelling will come back if not managed correctly.
Phase II also consists of four cornerstones of care
- Skin care
- Simple lymphatic drainage (SLD)
- Compression**
- Exercise and movement
**Graduated compression garments or wrap compression systems are usually the compression therapy of choice.
Management of lymphoedema with DLT can offer independence, a feeling of empowerment and an improved quality of life. (DLT information With thanks to LymphConnect)
DEEP OSCILLATION® as opposed to externally applied, mechanical forms of massage therapy (e.g. vibration acting on the surface of the skin) Deep Oscillation works through the entire tissue layers including the connective tissue to a depth of 8cm (Solangel, 2010). Delivered via the vinyl-gloved hands of the Practitioner as a massage, the biologically effective oscillations work in the tissue segment undergoing treatment. DEEP OSCILLATION® is a non-invasive, non-traumatic treatment which is very well received by patients in different fields of application including Lymphoedema, Lipoedema, Lipo-Lymphoedema and Chronic Oedema. Because of it’s gentle application it is a unique treatment for acute and chronic injury and occupational conditions.
Since Deep Oscillation possesses anti-oedema, lymph drainage, anti-fibrosis and detoxifying properties, it prepares the tissue for liposuction, makes liposuction more effective and durable and protects against adverse effects of the body sculpting procedure.
Post Operatively
Because it can be used at a very early post-operative stage, the healing process is accelerated, reduced pain, bruising and swelling, scar quality is improved, and local inflammation is inhibited and stopped over a sustained period.
Wellness Therapy Clinic can help you with the following conditions :
Burns, wounds, ulcers
Chronic fatigue
CRPS (complex regional pain syndrome)
Fluid retention
Meniere’s Disease
MS (Multiple Sclerosis)
Oedema (swelling)
Pre and post aesthetic and general surgery
Pre and Post Liposuction for Lipoedema
Sports injuries
Sprains and Strains
Stress, tension & anxiety
Tennis/golfers elbow
Training completed with:
Dr. Vodder Basic & Level 1 with Deborah Berry
Dr. Vodder Level 2 & 3 at The Lymph Clinic, Cork
Insurance with
Professional Memberships held
How did you hear about DEEP OSCILLATION®? What prompted you to buy?
"It was at the MLD UK conference 2019, Julie demonstrated Deep Oscillation Personal Pro to me and the results just spoke for themselves"
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