Question 12 - Dear Jane - Long Haul Flights and Compression
Jane Wigg RGN, MSc is a Lymphoedema Clinical Expert and Regularly Answers L-W-O Community Member Questions
LWO Community Question - Answer Jane Wigg LTA - Video and Graphics, Mary Fickling PhysioPod UK
Do you wear brand new (tight) compression or older compression that would be more comfortable, Switching to new when settled in destination?
There are several things to consider when selecting compression garments for flights.
Probably the most important one is that you need to be comfortable. Consider the position you will be in for the length of time and if you will have the freedom to get up and walk the aisle
When on long haul flights it is the lack of activity and muscle pump that is the causative factor of increasing swelling over the time on the flight.
Remember that muscle pump is essential to help the lymphatic vessels move the lymph along them. The compression garments will assist to enhance the effect of the muscle pump and so prevent any further fluid pooling in the tissue.
Also a main reason that many people wear compression garments on a plane is for prevention of a deep vein thrombosis or blood clot.
So what should you wear? Something that is comfortable, fits you well and you know that you can tolerate it for the duration of the travel.
But something that has been prescribed medically and is suitable, so don’t reduce your compression for the flight.
Stay comfortable, move your feet and ankles to get your calf muscle pumping, drink plenty of water and know by doing this, you should set yourself up to have a great holiday,
Jane Wigg
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