NHS Lymphoedema Practitioner Provides Feedback on Deep Oscillation in Head and Neck Lymphoedema

Catherine Groom, Specialist Lymphoedema Practitioner, Leeds Lymphoedema Service


"We have been using Deep Oscillation alongside Manual Lymphatic Drainage for 11 years and it continues to be an integral part of treatment for many head and neck Lymphoedema patients referred to the Leeds Lymphoedema Clinic.

It has proved a valuable addition to the hands on treatment of MLD without detracting from the skill of the therapist.

The electrostatic field created in the tissues of the patient is like a gentle vibration (oscillation). This is comfortable and relaxing, while enhancing the application of the hands on treatment, by penetrating much deeper into the tissue structures. We have only ever had positive feedback from the patients.

Vinyl gloves are worn throughout the treatment, which enables the therapist to maintain essential, hygienic, contact with the skin, through their hands. The changes in the structure of the tissues can be felt during the treatment. This enables the therapist to adapt their pressures, alongside the frequency of the oscillation to ensure optimum results for individual patient outcomes. The therapist has overall control with their hands, especially when working in small delicate areas around the face and neck.

The use of Deep Oscillation alongside Manual Lymphatic Drainage has definitely improved the overall treatment opportunities we can give our patients.

It has proved so beneficial for patients, some have purchased their own machine to carry out ongoing, self management at home"