Lipoedema Ladies

Lipoedema Ladies is a UK-based support group, both on Facebook, online and physically. They are a fun and informative group of Ladies with Lipoedema. The group is managed by Michelle Ellis who has Lipoedema.


lipoeodema ladies


Lipoedema Ladies is run by friendly and professional personnel and offers a wealth of information and support with private chat forums for sufferers to share their experiences. Expertise on the site includes all things Lipoedema including 

Lifestyle News Fashion Beauty Medical Links Hub (Social Media)



PhysioPod® Support and Activities


PhysioPod® UK Limited were delighted to attend

The Lipoedema Ladies 4th Big Meet 2015


The two day event was held at The Village Urban Resort, Walsall, Birmingham on Saturday 17th October and Sunday 18th October 2015. This was the 4th Lipoedema Ladies Big Meet up and PhysioPod were thrilled to be one of the exhibitors invited to attend.


lipoedema ladies review


Results of PhysioPod® Anonymous

Lipoedema and Lipo-Lymphoedema Survey

conducted at The Lipoedema Ladies 4th Big Meet 2015




DEEP OSCILLATION® Massage Feedback From

The Lipoedema Ladies 4th BIG MEET 2015




feedback image



The Lipoedema Ladies 4th Big Meet 2015: Catherine Seo Comments

On The DEEP OSCILLATION® Massage Received For Lipo-Lymphoedema


catherine and mary




By Michelle Ellis, Chair of Lipoedema Ladies -

Post Lipoedema Liposuction Successful Rehabilitation with DEEP OSCILLATION®


deep oscillation



Caroline purchased a DEEP OSCILLATION® Personal SPORTS for Lipoedema and Fibromyalgia

following The Lipoedema Ladies 3rd Big Meet





(To view study of its benefits with Fibromyalgia please click here)



2014 Support and Activities




Mary Fickling introduced Lipoedema Ladies to the Editor of The Primary Care Nursing Review, Deborah Glover MBE and Michelle Ellis wrote an article as a patient advocate, published in the first issue of PCNR  To Read Please Click Here



pcnr michelle



Michelle Ellis reports on the use of DEEP OSCILLATION® Rehabilitation after WAL liposuction and full arm lift


"Daily use of the DEEP OSCILLATION® Personal Aesthetics provided immediate pain relief and reduced swelling"


michelle ellis

Michelle Ellis, Chair of Lipoedema Ladies



PhysioPod Provide Massages for Ladies at The Lipoedema Ladies 3rd Big Meet

at The Village Urban Resort Hotel, Hyde, Manchester


"a behind the scenes review of an exhibitor"

By Mary Fickling, Director, PhysioPod™ UK Ltd


lipoedema ladies montage



2013 Support and Activities



PhysioPod UK Review The Lipoedema Ladies 2nd Big Meet at Leeds Park Plaza



Lip Ladies 2013

Mary Fickling and Julie Soroczyn of PhysioPod® UK Limited spoke about and demonstrated DEEP OSCILLATION® at The Lipoedema Ladies 2nd Meet Up in Leeds



choice article

Mary Fickling introduced Lipoedema Ladies to the Editor of CHOICE HEALTH AND WELLBEING Magazine Angela Mahandru who featured an article 'free of charge' on Lipoedema in their Nov/Dec 2013 issue - to read click here




2012 Support and Activities


PhysioPod UK Support The Lipoedema Ladies in their 1st BIG MEET at The Ramada Hotel in Cannock


The Lipoedema Ladies 1st BIG MEET 2012 was held at the Ramada Hotel in Cannock on Saturday, November 10th 2012. Physiopod were delighted to donate a Raffle Prize of an MLD Massage combined with DEEP OSCILLATION® to be carried out by arrangement with Pauline Miller of Simply Holistic Therapies.

ramada cannock

The Ramada Hotel Cannock, Venue for the 1st Lipoedema Ladies BIG MEET 2012






To read DEEP OSCILLATION® testimonials click here