Kinvara Private Hospital Add Links to Deep Oscillation In Lymphoedema & Lipoedema Pages
Kinvara Private Hospital is a state-of-the-art private hospital based in Rotherham, South Yorkshire. The hospital provides a number of surgical and medical services and is also a Centre of Excellence for Lipoedema surger
Mr Vasu Karri, BSc(Hons), MBBS, MSc, FRCS(Plast) Consultant Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgeon at Kinvara Private Hospital recently invited PhysioPod UK to provide written content on Deep oscillation which is linked to on #Lymphoedema and #Lipoedema info pages
Deep oscillation (also known under the patented names of DEEP OSCILLATION® or HIVAMAT®) is a unique, internationally patented, non-invasive, non-traumatic therapy method, which is a totally different treatment modality to therapies such as ultrasound or shockwave.
Its special structure allows the practitioner or patient, to create pleasant, biologically effective oscillations in the treated tissue, using electrostatic attraction and friction, without the use of external mechanical force, thus making the massage easier for the practitioner to apply, as well as being highly effective for the patient.
The gentle nature of the deep oscillation makes it ideal immediately post injury, where normal massage would be contraindicated and in the early post-operative stage; promoting a dynamic wound healing, with less resultant scar tissue and a quicker return to normal activity. Deep oscillation can supplement and intensify all forms of manual lymphatic drainage and manual therapy.
In contrast to other vibrational therapies which only act on the surface of the skin, these pleasant oscillations have a clinically proven, deep-acting effect (8 cm) on all tissue components (skin, connective tissue, subcutaneous fat, muscles, blood and lymph vessels) see image below.
Deep Oscillation permeates a depth of 8cm (Tápanez Hernández, 2010)
Deep oscillation provides symptomatic relief for the patient in conservative management, pre and post Lymphoedema and Lipoedema liposuction and plastic and general surgery.
The intermittent, biphasic impulses are delivered directly to the tissue layers of the patient, either through a vinyl covered hand-held applicator (which also enables self-treatment) or via the vinyl gloved hands of the practitioner.
The therapy carries medical product certification and classification, European and international patents [2]
Sterile Application of DEEP OSCILLATION®
- Practitioner to patient via vinyl gloves (vinyl is the medium for the therapy to flow too)
- Patient self-treatment via varying sized special applicator head (1.5 cm, 5cm, 9.5 cm)
- Practitioner to patient via applicator or special foil (via applicator or gloves) for sterile treatment in wound care, practitioner to patient
UK & Worldwide Usage
Since 2006, Deep Oscillation has become increasingly popular within the UK and Ireland supplied by PhysioPod UK Limited (approved NHS Suppliers) and in particularly, within our NHS Lymphoedema Services and by private MLD DLT Lymphoedema Practitioners. Other countries enjoying its varied benefits include Germany, Cuba, USA, Mexico, Costa Rica and Poland. In Costa Rica and Mexico, it is becoming gold standard for treatment post mastectomy (for oedema reduction and prevention, among other effects).
Many Lymphoedema, Lipoedema and Lipo-Lymphoedema sufferers utilise the therapy at home via personal units for self-management between their clinic appointments or post liposuction. This has proved essential in these unprecedented times of COVID-19 with regular NHS and private conservative management treatments being cancelled (April 2020) and postponed. PhysioPod offer a hire of personal units for pre and post liposuction for a six-week period. See PhysioPod Hire Terms.
10 Key Benefits of Deep Oscillation in conservative and surgical management of Lymphoedema and Lipoedema
- Fast treatment without surgery, syringe or medication
- Extremely gentle and well-tolerated, applicable immediately after injury or from an early post-operative stage
- Pain, swelling and bruising are reduced, tissue quality improved, mobility and patient quality of life enhanced
- No known side effects
- Proven therapy for over 30 years and used worldwide
- Home self-treatment is an option (ideal in current climate - April 2020)
- Effective conservative treatment for fibrosis caused by lymphoedema or later stage lipoedema
- Reduction of fibrosis pre-liposuction provides enhanced results i.e. fibrosis is broken down, fat is more easily removed with less trauma to the tissue, making the procedure easier, bleeding is reduced with less complications, recovery is improved and accelerated
- Early decisive influence on the wound-healing process
- Non-thermal therapy, can be used over implanted pins and plates, breast implants and prosthesis
Clinically Proven Effects
Pain-alleviating effect in acute traumatic as well as chronic pain conditions [3-14]
Prevention and reduction of secondary and primary lymphoedema, and reduction of oedema in lipoedema [3, 5, 7, 15-18]
Prevention of fibrotic remodelling processes, reduction of fibrosis [3, 9, 15, 16, 19] .
Anti-inflammatory effect [14, 20]
Muscle relaxation, mobilisation, functional improvement and improved Range of Motion (ROM) [5, 8, 19, 21-23]
Support of wound healing processes [24-26]
Normalisation of haemodynamic parameters of the skin, correction of aesthetic-neurotic problems and influence on biological ageing through preventive effects on premature ageing [27]
Accelerated recovery after intensive physical workout [28-30]
Decongestion and functional improvement in obstructive pulmonary conditions [31, 32]
Significantly improved volume reduction and movement (ROM) by combining MLD with DOT versus MLD alone [3,17,33,34]
- Acute infections
- Acute systemic inflammations with pathogenic germs participation
- Active tuberculosis
- Acute venous diseases (untreated thrombosis)
- Untreated malignant diseases
- Erysipelas or cellulitis
- Patients with cardiac pacemakers or other electronic implants
- Untreated heart complaints and diseases
- Pregnancy
- Hypersensitivity to electrostatic fields
- Infectious skin diseases
- Vertebrobasilar insufficiency (VBI)
Direct Links:
Study references, articles, books, guidelines and presentations
- Reinhold J. (2017): Mechanisms of Deep Oscillation, Published in MLD UK The Journal – April 2017
- EUROPEAN PATENT DOCUMENT: Patented to: Physiomed Elektromedizin AG 91220 Schnaittach/Laipersdorf (DE) – EP 1530 982 Bl
- Schönfelder G., Berg D. (1991): Side effects after breast-conserving therapy of breast cancer. First results with Hivamat. Gynecol. prax. 15, 109-122.
- Johanning-Csik F. (1994): Treatment of Postpartum Chest Pain and Tension with the Hivamat Intensification System. Medical dissertation. Erlangen - Nuremberg.
- Jahr S., Schoppe B., Reisshauer A. (2008): Effect of treatment with low-intensity and extremely low-frequency electrostatic fields (deep oscillation) on breast tissue and pain in patients with secondary breast lymphoedema. J Rehabil Med 40 (8), 645-50.
- Aliyev R. (2009): Clinical efficacy of the therapy procedure. Deep oscillation in sports injuries. Sportverl sports damage 23, 1-4. English title: Clinical effects of the therapy deep oscillation in the treatment of sports injuries.
- Fistetto G., Iannitti T., Capone S., Torricelli F., Palmieri B. (2011): Deep Oscillation®: esperienze terapeutico-riabilitative con un nuovo innovative strumento ad azione elettrostatica. Minerva Med 102 (4), 277-88.
English title: Deep Oscillation: therapeutic-rehabilitative experiences with a new electrostatic device. - Hernández Tápanes, S., Terapia con oscilaciones profundas. Experiencias en cervicalgias, lumbalgias y epicondilitis., ed. EdiReh-Latina. 2012, San José.
- Hernández Tápanes S., Socas Fernández M., Iturralde Y., Addiel Suáres Fernández A. (2018): The Effect of Deep Oscillation Therapy in Fibrocystic Breast Disease. A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. International Archives of Medicine Vol. 14. doi: 10.3
- Kraft K., Kanter S., Janik, H. (2013): Safety and effectiveness of vibration massage by deep oscillation: a prospective observational study. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med.; 2013: 679248. doi: 10.1155 / 2013/679248. Epub 2013 Oct 3.
- Reinhold J., Deeva I., Korkina L., Schaper K., Krummenauer F. (2014): Randomized pilot study to quantify the patient-side benefit of influencing primary wound healing processes by deep oscillation. Z Orthop accident 152 (3), 260-264. English title: Randomized Pilot Study for Quantification of Benefit from the Patient's Point of View of Deep Oscillation Treatment in Primary Wound Healing.
- O'Brien CP, Watson A. (2016): Deep Oscillation Therapy in the Treatment of Lateral Epicondylalgia: A Pilot Randomized Control Trial. J Sports Med Doping Stud 6 (3),
- Zehtindjieva MG, Ioshinov BR, Andonov DR, Ilkov VS, Bayraktarova A. (2013): Deep Oscillation - A Modern Additional Physical Modality For Analgesia In Patients With Back Pain. PRAEMEDICUS 29, 85-90.
- Boisnic S., Branchet MC (2013): Anti-inflammatory and draining effect of the deep oscillation (R) device tested clinically and on a model of human skin maintained in a survival condition. Eur J Dermatol 23 (1), 59-63.
- Korkina L., Reinhold J., Rota L., Primavera G., Raskovic D. (2007): Treatment of Gynoid Lipodystrophy (Cellulite) with Deep Oscillation®: A Pilot Clinical Study. 29th Annual Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society. Kanazawa, 2.
- Gasbarro V., Bartoletti R., Tsolaki E., Sileno S., Agnati M., Coen M., Conti M., Bertaccini C. (2006): Ruolo dell'oscillazione profonda (Hivamat® 200) nel trattamento fisico del linfedema degli arti. La medicina estetica 30 (4), 473-478. English title: The role of deep oscillation therapy (Hivamat® 200) in the physical treatment of the lymphoedema of the limbs.
- Teo I., Coulborn A., Munnoch DA (2016): Use of the HIVAMAT® 200 with manual lymphatic drainage in the management of lower limb lymphoedema and lipoedema. Journal of Lymphoedema 11 (1), 49-53.
- Nourollahi S., Mondry TE, Fall KL (2013): Bucher's Broom and Selenium Improve Lipedema: A Retrospective Case Study. Aging Integ Med 2 (4), 119.
- Gao Y.-C., Peng C. C, Peng RY (2015): A long term chronic fibrotic adhesion of elbow muscles alleviated by applying hivamate 200 deep oscillation therapy. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development 2 (1), 286-289.
- Mikhalchik E., Titkova S., Anurov M., Suprun M., Ivanova A., Trakhtman I., Reinhold J. (2005): Effects on blood parameters of deep oscillation. 1st International Conference on Skin and Environment. Moscow-St. Petersburg, 59.
- Aliyev R., Mikus EWS, Reinhold JG (2008): Highly significant therapeutic success with DEEP OSCILLATION® in orthopedic rehabilitation. Orthopedic Practice 44, 448-453.
- Hinman MR, Lundy R., Perry E., Robbins K., Quarter L. (2013): Comparative Effect of Ultrasound and DEEP OSCILLATION® on the Extensibility of Hamstring Muscles. Journal of Athletics Medicine 1 (1), 45-55.
- Winkelmann Z.K., Roberts E.J., Games K.E. (2018): Acute Effects and Perceptions of Deep Oscillation Therapy for Improving Hamstring Flexibility.Journal of sport rehabilitation 2018 Jun 25:1-7. doi: 10.1123/jsr.2017-0044.
- Hernández Tápanes S. et al (2009): Value of deep oscillation therapy in the healing of AB burns, Cuban Journal of Physical Medicine &Rehabilitation RNPS 2244- FOLIO 148- ISSN 2078-7162 Rev Cub MFR v.2 n.1 City of La Havana Jan-June 2010.
- Mikhalchik E., Titkova S., Anurov M., Suprun M., Ivanova A., Trakhtman I., Reinhold J. (2005): Wound Healing Effects of Deep Oscillation. 1st International Conference on Skin and Environment. Moscow-St. Petersburg, 71.
- Trybulsky, R., Using Deep Oscillation system in the treatment of wounds. Rehabilitacja w Praktyce, 2008. 1: p. 28-33.
- Turova, E.A., Konchugova, T. V., Balaban, E. I., Fadeeva, N. I., Golovach, A. V., Teniaeva, E. A., (2012): The application of a pulsed low-frequency electrostatic field for the prevention of premature ageing. Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult, 2012(6): p. 9-11.
- von Stengel S., Teschler M., Weissenfels A., Willert S., Kemmler W. (2018): Effect of Deep Oscillation as a Recovery Method after Fatiguing Soccer Training: A Randomized Cross-Over Study, Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness, doi:10.1016/j.jesf.2018.10.004.
- Trybulski, R., Zebrowska, A., Marcol, W., Roczniok, R., Kepa, K., Kiljanski, M., Application of Deep Oscillation and Electric Stimulation in Smooth Muscles to Minimize the Selected Parameters of Muscular fatigue. fizjoterapia polska, 2016. 2(16): p. 14-30
- Zebrowska, A., et al., Effect of Physical Methods of Lymphatic Drainage on Postexercise Recovery of Mixed Martial Arts Athletes. Clin J Sport Med, 2019. 29(1): p. 49-56.
- Yashkov AV, Gazdieva EM, Badyanova IS (2007): Efficacy of intermittent low-frequency electrostatic field in the sanatorium-based complex treatment of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Kurortniye Vedmosti 3 (42), 62-63.
- Verster, J., Deep Oscillation Case Study. Pneumonia: total consolidation in right upper lope. 2014, J Verster Physiotherapist, Ninapark, South Africa.
- Kashilska Y., Petkov A., P. Micheva, Batashki A., Batashk Z. (2015): Improving the quality of life through effects of treatment with low-intensity extremely low-frequency electrostatic field with DEEP OSCILLATION® in patients breast cancer with secondary limb to patients treated with standard lymphatic equipment. Medicine V (1), 381-387.
- Theys S., Deltombe T., Legrand C., Hanson P. (2008): Manual Drainage with or without DEEP OSCILLATION® in Lower Extremity Oedema. J Rehabil Med Suppl 47, 62.
Lipoedema References
- Plastic Surgery Recovery Handbook Paperback (Author) Kathleen Helen Lisson CLT – July 7, 2019
- Lipedema Treatment Guide: A Certified Lymphedema Therapist's advice for her clients with lipedema. (Author) Kathleen Helen Lisson CLT | Jul 17, 2018
- Lipoedema UK Publication – Practical Guidance for Patients Considering Liposuction as an Option for Managing Lipoedema 2018
- Wounds International: Use of the HIVAMAT® 200 with manual lymphatic drainage in the management of lower-limb lymphoedema and lipoedema Date: 21 March 2018 Author(s): Isabel Teo, Anna Coulborn, DA Munnoch
- Practice Nursing, July 2017 "Lipoedema complicated by secondary lymphoedema" Dr Anne Williams, Isobel MacEwan Practice Nursing | Vol 28 | No 7 | July 2017 | pp 284–289
- Wounds UK. Best Practice Guidelines: The Management of Lipoedema. London: Wounds UK, 2017
- Best practice guidelines for the management of lipoedema D Hardy, A Williams - British journal of community nursing, 2017
- Nourollahi S., Mondry TE, Fall KL (2013): Bucher's Broom and Selenium Improve Lipedema: A Retrospective Case Study. Aging Integ Med 2 (4), 119.