Hospice Isle of Man Add DEEP OSCILLATION® to their treatments for Lymphoedema
PhysioPod® met Karen Taylor, Head Nurse, Lymphoedema Services at Hospice Isle of Man whilst exhibiting at The BLS Conference in October 2014. After seeking the opinion of other Lymphoedema Practitioners regarding DEEP OSCILLATION® treatment, the Hospice decided to invest in the equipment to enhance their existing range of treatments. This will be the first time the therapy is available in The Isle Of Man, other fields of application include injury management and post surgical rehabilitation.
Hospice Isle of Man was set up 31 years ago and is a charity that provides specialist palliative care for patients and their families facing life limiting illness. The care includes physical, psychological, social and spiritual aspects and is provided by a multidisciplinary team free of charge.
DEEP OSCILLATION® is an internationally patented electrostatic, electromechanical, massage therapy. Intermittent, bi-phasic electrostatic impulses are delivered through vinyl gloves or applicator heads, permeating an 8 cm depth through all tissue layers including skin, sub-coetaneous fat, muscles, blood and lymph vessels; with clinically proven biological effects in the interstitial spaces of the connective tissue. PhysioPod® UK Limited are approved NHS Suppliers
Visit Website Hospice Isle of Mann
Opening Times: Monday to Thursday 08:00 to 16:00hrs
Referral Agents
Referral Agents: General Practitioner, Hospital Specialist, Other Health Professionals
Treatment Availability
Inpatient ward, Day therapy unit, Outpatient clinics, Patient's Home, Hospital.
Treatments Offered
- MLD Casley Smith
- Simple Lymphatic Drainage
- Skin Care
- Exercise
- Multi Layer Bandaging
- Pneumatic Compression
- Compression Garments
- Kinesio taping
- 3m Coban 2 bandaging
Members of BLS Members of LSN
Karen Taylor, Head Nurse Lymphoedema Service
Strang, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM4 4RP, Tel 01624 647456