Graham Pendrick
Sports & Holistic Massage using DEEP OSCILLATION®
Blueline Massage
Dybbolsgade 11, 5.
Copenhagen V
Telephone +45 61 79 53 52
Graham Pendrick\'s company philisopy
Graham Pendrick, Owner and Director of Blueline Massage
Graham Pendrick is the Director at Blueline Massage, offering DEEP OSCILLATION® in Copenhagen with other services.
The friendly team of qualified professionals at Blueline Massage specialise in reducing back and neck pain and in helping their clients feel great again. They pride themselves on customising treatments to suit each individual client. They experience a high level of client retention as they offer quality service, excellent rates, and effective massage treatments.
Services offered:
Sports Massage
Deep Tissue Treatments
Relaxation Massage
Massage During Pregnancy
Deep Oscillation for acute injuries
Workplace Massage
Client Testimonials:
"A really professional service and excellent massage."
"My recovery from a nasty shoulder injury was reduced by weeks after just 40 minutes DEEP OSCILLATION®. I've never experienced any thing like that before"
Holistic Massage (ITEC)
Sports Injury Massage (APNT)
Massage During Pregnancy
Courses attended:
First Aid
Indian Head Massage
Massage During Pregnancy
Anatomy Trains