The Effect of Deep Oscillation on the Lymphatic System

Oedema and haematomas result from bleeding and destruction or damage of lymphatic capillaries by mechanical or surgical trauma. In the acute inflammatory phase of wound debridement, there is also increased phagocytosis and a generally higher need for the transport of extracellular protein, blood cells and other particles, this results in an enormous interstitial increase in the lymphatic load.


As a result, post-traumatic oedema develops by overloading the lymph transport system and backing up in the interstitial space, despite the increase in the lymphatic flow rate.

Several clinical studies have shown increased resorption of subcutaneous oedema by deep oscillation. Two hypotheses can explain this.

One would be that mechanical stimulation at the level of the interstitial ground substance produces a mixing of materials to be transported with the lymph, enhances its distribution and thus increases the surface area for resorption.

Another would be that mechanical impulses generate deforming forces that act on the collagenous fibre structures of the interstitial space, and these apply tensile forces to the endothelial layer of the initial lymphatic vessels (the lymph capillaries and pre-collectors) via anchor filaments. This way, they could open junctions in the endothelial layer for fluid inflow and assist the interstitial drainage mechanism.

The lymphatic system contributes to homeostasis by influencing the volume of extracellular fluid, the interstitial protein concentration and the tissue pressure.