DEEP OSCILLATION® after breast cancer surgery mentioned positively in new book

Jui Chu, Yeh, author of the book "What can physical therapy do after breast cancer surgery", mentions positively the application with HIVAMAT® 200 after surgical interventions in breast cancer patients in the chapter "Treatment of lymphedema".

The guidebook has been published in Taiwan in January 2017 in Chinese.




What happens when DEEP OSCILLATION® is applied?

In higher frequencies - Pain is significantly reduced. The bodies’ lymphatic drainage pathways are opened and activated. The therapy is breaking down the trapped cellular metabolic waste, including protein solids and abnormal fluid build up. This encourages the dispersal of hardened, fibrotic tissue.

In medium frequencies - Microcirculation in the interstitial spaces of the connective tissue is boosted, causing a relaxation of the tissues. The now collected, biological waste products start to move out to the lymph system for removal.

In lower frequencies  -Vasodilation (expansion of blood vessels) causes a slight lowering of blood pressure. A powerful, yet gentle, pumping action in these lower frequencies causes strong movement in the tissue. The re-instigation of freely flowing fluids encourages essential nutrients back to the tissue.

What are the clinically proven effects?

• Improvement of the body's natural ability to replenish its depleted supplies of nutrients

• Muscle relaxation

• Pain reduction

• Haematoma (Blood filled swelling/bruising) and microtrauma prophylaxis

• Oedema reduction (fluid/protein filled swelling)

• Improvement in tone (through muscle stimulation and relaxation)

• Inflammation inhibition

• Stimulates wound healing

• Movement facilitation

• Anti-inflammatory effect

• Anti-fibrotic effect

• Reduction of skin irritation

• Detoxification

• Improvement in the tissue quality