"An Evening with Dame Judi Dench" at Claridge's, Mayfair Organised by Gemma Levine FRSA

Julie and I had the great pleasure of attending this wonderful event in May. Ticket sales, advertising brochures, and donations will raise about £40,000 for the Lymphoedema Research Fund. The LRF at St. George's Hospital Charity is urgently researching lymphatic system diseases to develop new drugs for patients. The event was entirely organised by famous photographer Gemma Levine FRSA, who lives with lymphoedema of the arm following breast cancer.

Gemma Levine wrote of the event:

Dearest Mary 

Over the past 14 years, I have raised approximately £100,000 for Lymphoedema research through my books and events. 

How could anyone have anything but a roaring success in an evening with Dame Judi Dench, Sam Williams, Finty Williams, and Simon Callow? The reception was overwhelming, as evidenced by the packed house and the 40-person waiting list.

Claridge's excelled in every way. General Manager Paul Jackson went all out to get us the best! Indeed, he did. Greatest thanks.

My gratitude goes to all those involved, particularly Professor Mortimer, for being in close contact with support and advice for 14 years.

My thanks also go to Dame Joanna Lumley, our honoured guest, and William Repicci (LE&RN), who flew over from the USA to be our honorary guest speaker. I extend my gratitude to my son James for his unwavering support in ensuring the evening's sublime success.

Gemma Levine

Gemma Levine has written books with lymphoedema experts and staged many successful fundraising events since her diagnosis, with the unwavering support of Professor Peter Mortimer, Professor of Dermatological Medicine at St. George's Hospital. Professor Peter Mortimer founded the lymphoedema service and research programme nearly 40 years ago.

On stage were Finty Williams, who interviewed her mother, Dame Judi Dench, her son, Sam Williams, and family friend and actor Simon Callow.

Dame Judi Dench and Simon Callow spoke of how they met and previous projects together, and Sam spoke of his pride at having his ‘Bond Woman’ grandmother!  The importance of Shakespeare's work and play favourites were discussed, and Simon and Dame Judi enthralled the audience with Dickens and Shakespeare performances. Dame Joanna Lumley took to the stage and spoke very fondly of her special friend Gemma, whom she thanked for ‘opening the doors’ to the lymphoedema debate.

Professor Peter Mortimer opened the event and spoke passionately about lymphoedema, the lack of education and awareness of the condition, and how lymphoedema is often undiagnosed for years. He spoke of how vital the lymphatic system is to our health, yet it is often overlooked because it is invisible to the naked eye.

Guest speaker, William Repicci, President and CEO of Lymphatic Education and Research Network (LE&RN), spoke of his friendship with members of the panel and how his work with Professor Peter Mortimer, whom he dubbed "the Godfather of Lymphoedema," had massively impacted the growth of his work and the expansion of Lymphoedema services in the United States. Both Professor Mortimer and William Repicci spoke about the vast amount of work remaining. 

To close the evening, Gemma Levine introduced 14-year-old Rafa and 22-year-old Bella, who were born with lymphoedema. Displaying their success with therapy and attention despite childhood issues. Gemma said Bella is an editing trainee and content designer and Rafa plays rugby at school. 

Drinks and Claridge's legendary canapes were served pre- and post-event.

Mary Fickling was delighted to at last meet with Gemma Levine, having supported Gemma since the pandemic in her PR of books and events to promote awareness and raise funds for Lymphoedema Research


Gemma Levine and Professor Peter Mortimer's 'Let's Talk Lymphoedema' explains lymphoedema: https://gemmalevine.co.uk/lets-talk-lymphoedema/