An Amusing Story from Gemma Levine's COVID THOUGHTS Book Launch in September

which was held at The Mercato Metropolitano in Mayfair.

Councillor Jonathan Glanz, Prof Peter Mortimer, Gemma Levine, Andrea Rasca (host) and Simon Callow

"My speakers were Councillor Jonathan Glanz , Professor Peter Mortimer and SIMON CALLOW, who read, brilliantly, several extracts from “COVID THOUGHTS”.

I had approx. 70 guests at Mercato Metropolitano in Mayfair. One of my guests was the new Rabbi for Western Marble Arch Synagogue and his wife, DANIEL and ILANA.  EPSTEIN.

On Jewish New Year I went to Synagogue.  I sit up in the lady’s gallery towards the back. Each year, I strain to hear the sermon, years with Rabbi Lord Sacks and others. This year was no exception. I simply could not hear Rabbi Epstein’s sermon which distressed me, as I so wanted to. Soon after, I dropped him an email, saying the acoustics were bad and all ladies at the back of the Shul could not hear him. I wrote - ‘I wondered if somehow, he could ‘project ’ his voice upwards, towards us ladies, seated at the back?‘

At the book launch on Tuesday night, I noticed that Rabbi Epstein had a long conversation with Simon Callow. As Simon was leaving, turning to me , he said - he so enjoyed meeting the Rabbi and simply,  offered him “GUIDING IDEAS ”!

Last night, Day of Atonement, I was sitting quietly waiting for the Rabbi to commence his sermon. After the first sentence, I nearly fell off my seat, I simply couldn’t believe it . His voice resonated within the vast synagogue with the perfection of a professional actor, his voice filled every corner of the building, without any strain whatsoever.

Never in the 50 years of attending the synagogue have I heard such an eloquent delivery. Perhaps  we ‘all’ should  have a word with Simon Callow?!!

The Rabbi has been a great supporter of my work with raising awareness for Lymphoedema and by publishing articles in the Synagogue’s magazine. Also,  has so generously donated for Research. Bear-in-mind, every religious domination suffers too from Lymphoedema?

The next day I dropped a note to Simon to ask him about “the word” – he replied...



All I said to him was: you must make us see what it is that you’re talking about; and you must make us desperately want to hear the next thing you say.

As with many things in life, it’s not about technique: it’s about imagination.

Much love, dearest Gemma. Lovely event on Tuesday; lovely guests.


Simon x