A Change In Direction

Written by Dean Attwood Mindset and Performance Coach and Anxiety Expert

A change in direction.

Does change have to be brought on by something so immense?
Do we have to wait for something so bad or so hard to happen, in order for us to change?


Will this change be for the better? If not initially positive, do we refuse to see the gift of potential growth and exponential change that these hardships will bring. Or do we only permit it to make us bitter and cynical?

Are we continually allowing ourselves simply to adapt and survive, bouncing around constantly in the ‘fight or flight’ response…?

Yes, pain can be a great motivator, but are we so used to telling ourselves the vast negative stories, constantly feeding the defeatist narrative…


Why is it that we need such pressure?

Maybe its ambition, do we feel less ‘successful’, I always hear people use the word ‘failure’ or ‘unhappy’, but what do you need, truly need? Not want, need!
The need to be and do better?

The need to change and give purpose?

The need to be healthier?
Simply the need to feel joyful and grateful every day?

Maybe it’s a little of all of these.

I remember 
“Enthusiasm will get you started, but habits will last a life time.”

This always rang so true with me.

A while ago I wrote a poem, I hope it resonates with you.

It was a reflection on myself in darker times.

“I needed more, more than a whim, an uncertain, an endless self-lie - I wanted change

No, I needed change. 

“I will change!”

There was a wobble in my voice. 
I stepped forward. 
Mind, body and spirit pushing my boundaries. 

But still confinement...... The path never easy. 
Why so blocked, restricted.

Is it me, have I created this tunnel, why the darkness.
I want to run, to escape my prison of self-doubt and uncertainty. 
Closed, tight, compressed, the loneliness, it’s relentless. 
The constant struggle to keep afloat, the question of why me…
Tired, so tired, would it not be easier to just stop...

The cold.

Searching for light to strengthen my resolve…


No, I will not quit 
I'm worth more, I repeat it in my head.
“I'm worth more!”
I shout 
“I am more and I will be more!”

I feel the embers again in my chest and sensations long past; self-love, passion and belief.

My heart beating stronger now. 
There is power here, it is mine to use.

Limitless energy and power. 
Just needed to open the tap. 
The hairs on the back of my neck start to rise up.
And so I must learn to use it and not be consumed by it.

To feel the power, not anger, not rage, but strength, my true inner strength.
We all have it, it must be nurtured, through positivity, belief and action.


Others can give you this but you must shine a light on your own and be a beacon of resounding energy, a force to behold, it is within you, you only need the courage to reach for it.
And so hope.. 
Hope will out - and hope is strong - with hope there is always possibilities.

“I will push forward, I owe it to myself.”

We can always use motivation from family and friends, even lost loved ones,

but YOU are the driving force and the creator.

It is in you
Your being 
Your experiences 
Your energy 
Your life

So, live it!


As I expand my comfort zone, so I shall grow,
And so the tunnel widens - space to breath. 
Relax in this space - my heart beat quickens, my lungs fill, a deep breath. 
And once a start is made my direction clear.
A smile, a step with confidence and grace, power and defiance.
This will happen. 
This will work. 
My smile broadens, 
Almost laughter.
“Why did I always have so much doubt when the answer is so clear?”
I feel my heart beating with passion and drive. 
“I have purpose, 
I have life.”






Get used to discomfort, allow it to become your ally.  
Always appreciate what you have right now, for everything changes and everything ends.

There are moments in our lives we fear to relive, others we long to repeat.

Time cannot give second chances to experiences, to the event, to the here and now.



You are so worthy and so ready.

So, take a few hits, you may stumble but continue to stand, take a few more hits, continue to stand.

Beckon it on, be fearless, bring on the short-term pain.

Let it be more than simply a thoughtful goal, go after it with 1 step then follow it up with everything that you have.


And always do it with a smile!


Whatever you need to do, start now, start today.


Start by doing 1 push up.

Start by doing 1 squat.

Start by drinking 1 extra cup of water.

Start by eating 1 less biscuit.

Start by paying towards that 1 debt.

Start by researching that 1 trip.

Start by reading that 1 page.

Start by making 1 sale.

Start by deleting that 1 old contact.

Start by walking 1 lap of your estate.

Start by taking that 1 course.

Start by having that 1 conversation.

Start by letting go of that 1 fear.

Start by writing that 1 page.


Just simply start

Then Repeat.



Written by Dean Attwood

Mindset and Performance Coach and Anxiety Expert

Owner and Director of Integral Workplace Wellness - a Mental Health Support & Training Company that specialises in Staff & Business support for SME’s - www.integralworkplacewellness.com