Matt Barker LSSM Dip. MIRSM MSMA talks about his use of DEEP OSCILLATION® with Winchester Football and Netball Clubs

"I use DEEP OSCILLATION® regularly with Winchester Football and Netball Clubs. I have found it is very effective for treating joint strains and sprains, speeding healing times and providing good, effective, pain relieving treatment where manual soft tissue therapy would be to invasive....

...It is excellent for reducing swelling and inflammation and has proven to be a very useful addition to my sports and Remedial Massage practice'

Matt Barker LSSM Dip. MIRSM MSMA

matt barker logo

London School of Sports Massage, Level 5 B Tech Diploma

Winchester Sports and Spine

Alison Way



SO22 5DD

Telephone 01962 8432429

Mobile 0788 779 1423


Read press release 



Matt Barker also offers appointments at the Nuffield Wessex Hospital in Chanders Ford SO53 2DW